Home » United States » Florida » Article VI Section 7 Florida Constitution – Regulation of Elections

Article VI Section 7 Florida Constitution – Regulation of Elections

Article VI Section 7 Florida Constitution

Article VI Section 7 Florida Constitution is about Campaign Spending Limits and Funding of Campaigns for Elective State-Wide Office. Article VI is titled Suffrage and Elections, it has seven sections.

Campaign Spending Limits and Funding of Campaigns for Elective State-Wide Office

It is the policy of this state to provide for state-wide elections in which all qualified candidates may compete effectively. A method of public financing for campaigns for state-wide office shall be established by law. Spending limits shall be established for such campaigns for candidates who use public funds in their campaigns. The legislature shall provide funding for this provision. General law implementing this paragraph shall be at least as protective of effective competition by a candidate who uses public funds as the general law in effect on January 1, 1998.

See also: Article VI Section 6 Florida Constitution

See also  Article V Section 14 Florida Constitution - Funding

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