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Article VIII Section 3 Florida Constitution – Consolidation

Article VIII Section 3 Florida Constitution

Article VIII Section 3 Florida Constitution is about Consolidation. Article VIII is titled Local Government.


The government of a county and the government of one or more municipalities located therein may be consolidated into a single government which may exercise any and all powers of the county and the several municipalities. The consolidation plan may be proposed only by special law, which shall become effective if approved by vote of the electors of the county, or of the county and municipalities affected, as may be provided in the plan. Consolidation shall not extend the territorial scope of taxation for the payment of pre-existing debt except to areas whose residents receive a benefit from the facility or service for which the indebtedness was incurred.

See also: Article VIII Section 2 Florida Constitution

See also  Article VII Section 14 Florida Constitution - Bonds for Pollution Control and Abatement and Other Water Facilities

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