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Article XII Section 25 Florida Constitution – Schedule to Article V Amendment

Article XII Section 25 Florida Constitution

Article XII Section 25 Florida Constitution is about Schedule to Article V Amendment. Article XII is titled Schedule, it has 37 sections.

Schedule to Article V Amendment

(a) Commencing with fiscal year 2000-2001, the legislature shall appropriate funds to pay for the salaries, costs, and expenses set forth in the amendment to Section 14 of Article V pursuant to a phase-in schedule established by general law.

(b) Unless otherwise provided herein, the amendment to Section 14 shall be fully effectuated by July 1, 2004.

1Note.–This section, originally designated section 22 by Revision No. 7 of the Constitution Revision Commission, 1998, was redesignated section 25 by the editors in order to avoid confusion with section 22 as created in H.J.R. 969, 1997.

See also: Article XII Section 24 Florida Constitution

See also  Article X Section 14 Florida Constitution - State Retirement Systems Benefit Changes

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