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Article V Section 16 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article V Section 16 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article V Section 16 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Compensation and Retirement of Justices, Judges and Justices of the Peace. Article V is titled The Judiciary, it has 18 sections and schedule.

Compensation and Retirement of Justices, Judges and Justices of the Peace

(a) Justices, judges and justices of the peace shall be compensated by the Commonwealth as provided by law. Their compensation shall not be diminished during their terms of office, unless by law applying generally to all salaried officers of the Commonwealth.

(b) Justices, judges and justices of the peace shall be retired upon attaining the age of 75 years. Former and retired justices, judges and justices of the peace shall receive such compensation as shall be provided by law. No compensation shall be paid to any justice, judge or justice of the peace who is suspended or removed from office under section eighteen of this article or under Article VI.

(c) A former or retired justice or judge may, with his consent, be assigned by the Supreme Court on temporary judicial service as may be prescribed by rule of the Supreme Court.

See also: Article V Section 15 Pennsylvania Constitution

See also  Article II Section 1 Pennsylvania Constitution - Legislative Power

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