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Article VIII Section 15 Pennsylvania Constitution – Project “70”

Article VIII Section 15 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article VIII Section 15 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Project “70”. Article VIII is titled Taxation and Finance, it has 17 sections.

Project “70”

In addition to the purposes stated in Article VIII, section seven of this Constitution, the Commonwealth may be authorized by law to create debt and to issue bonds to the amount of $70,000,000 for the acquisition of land for State parks, reservoirs and other conservation and recreation and historical preservation purposes, and for participation by the Commonwealth with political subdivisions in the acquisition of land for parks, reservoirs and other conservation and recreation and historical preservation purposes, subject to such conditions and limitations as the General Assembly may prescribe.

See also: Article VIII Section 14 Pennsylvania Constitution

See also  Article I Section 20 Pennsylvania Constitution - Right of Petition

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