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Article IX Section 10 Pennsylvania Constitution – Local Government Debt

Article IX Section 10 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article IX Section 1 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Local Government Debt. Article IX is titled Local Government, it has 14 sections.

Local Government Debt

Subject only to the restrictions imposed by this section, the General Assembly shall prescribe the debt limits of all units of local government including municipalities and school districts. For such purposes, the debt limit base shall be a percentage of the total revenue, as defined by the General Assembly, of the unit of local government computed over a specific period immediately preceding the year of borrowing. The debt limit to be prescribed in every such case shall exclude all indebtedness (1) for any project to the extent that it is self-liquidating or self-supporting or which has heretofore been defined as self- liquidating or self-supporting, or (2) which has been approved by referendum held in such manner sa shall be provided by law. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the City or County of Philadelphia. Any unit of local government, including municipalities and school districts, incurring any indebtedness, shall at or before the time of so doing adopt a covenant, which shall be binding upon it so long as any such indebtedness shall remain unpaid, to make payments out of its sinking fund or any other of its revenues or funds at such time and in such annual amounts specified in such covenant as shall be sufficient for the payment of the interest thereon and the principal thereof when due.

See also  Article IX Section 3 Pennsylvania Constitution - Optional Plans

See also: Article IX Section 9 Pennsylvania Constitution

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