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Article IX Section 13 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article IX Section 13 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article IX Section 13 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Abolition of County Offices in Philadelphia. Article IX is titled Local Government, it has 14 sections.

Abolition of County Offices in Philadelphia

(a) In Philadelphia all county offices are hereby abolished, and the city shall henceforth perform all functions of county government within its area through officers selected in such manner as may be provided by law.

(b) Local and special laws, regulating the affairs of the City of Philadelphia and creating offices or prescribing the powers and duties of officers of the City of Philadelphia, shall be valid notwithstanding the provisions of section thirty-two of Article III of this Constitution.

(c) All laws applicable to the County of Philadelphia shall apply to the City of Philadelphia.

(d) The City of Philadelphia shall have, assume and take over all powers, property, obligations and indebtedness of the County of Philadelphia.

(e) The provisions of section two of this article shall apply with full force and effect to the functions of the county government hereafter to be performed by the city government.

(f) Upon adoption of this amendment all county officers shall become officers of the City of Philadelphia, and until the General Assembly shall otherwise provide, shall continue to perform their duties and be elected, appointed, compensated and organized in such manner as may be provided by the provisions of this Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth in effect at the time this amendment becomes effective, but such officers serving when this amendment becomes effective shall be permitted to complete their terms.

See also  Article VII Section 3 Pennsylvania Constitution - Qualifications of Electors

See also: Article IX Section 12 Pennsylvania Constitution

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