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Article 82 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 82 Revised Penal Code

Article 82 of the Revised Penal Code is about Notification and execution of the sentence and assistance to the culprit. It is under Chapter Five (Execution And Service Of Penalties) of Title Three (Penalties) of the Code.

Notification and execution of the sentence and assistance to the culprit

The court shall designate a working day for the execution but not the hour thereof; and such designation shall not be communicated to the offender before sunrise of said day, and the execution shall not take place until after the expiration of at least eight hours following the notification, but before sunset. During the interval between the notification and the execution, the culprit shall, in so far as possible, be furnished such assistance as he may request in order to be attended in his last moments by priests or ministers of the religion he professes and to consult lawyers, as well as in order to make a will and confer with members of his family or persons in charge of the management of his business, of the administration of his property, or of the care of his descendants.

See also: Article 81 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 64 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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