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Article 201 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 201 Revised Penal Code

Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code is about Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions and indecent shows. It is under Chapter Two (Offenses Against Decency And Good Customs) of Title Six (Crimes Against Public Morals) of the Code.

Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions and indecent shows.

The penalty of prision mayor or a fine ranging from six thousand to twelve thousand pesos, or both such imprisonment and fine, shall be imposed upon:

(1) Those who shall publicly expound or proclaim doctrines openly contrary to public morals;

(2) (a) the authors of obscene literature, published with their knowledge in any form; the editors publishing such literature; and the owners/operators of the establishment selling the same;

(b) Those who, in theaters, fairs, cinematographs or any other place, exhibit, indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or shows, whether live or in film, which are prescribed by virtue hereof, shall include those which (1) glorify criminals or condone crimes; (2) serve no other purpose but to satisfy the market for violence, lust or pornography; (3) offend any race or religion; (4) tend to abet traffic in and use of prohibited drugs; and (5) are contrary to law, public order, morals, and good customs, established policies, lawful orders, decrees and edicts;

(3) Those who shall sell, give away or exhibit films, prints, engravings, sculpture or literature which are offensive to morals. (As amended by PD Nos. 960 and 969).

See also: Article 200 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 102 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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