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Section 2 22nd Amendment United States Constitution

Article 1 Section 1 Article 1 Section 2 Article 1 Section 3 Article 1 Section 4 Article 1 Section 5 Article 1 Section 6 Article 1 Section 7 Article 1 Section 8 Article 1 Section 9 Article 1 Section 10 Article 2 Section 1 Article 2 Section 2 Article 2 Section 3 Article 2 Section 4 Article 3 Section 1 Article 3 Section 2 Article 3 Section 3 Article 4 Section 1 Article 4 Section 2 Article 4 Section 3 Article 4 Section 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 First Amendment Second Amendment Third Amendment Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment Sixth Amendment Seventh Amendment Eighth Amendment Ninth Amendment 10th Amendment 11th Amendment 12th Amendment Section 1 13th Amendment Section 2 13th Amendment Section 1 14th Amendment Section 2 14th Amendment Section 3 14th Amendment Section 4 14th Amendment Section 5 14th Amendment Section 1 15th Amendment Section 2 15th Amendment 16th Amendment 17th Amendment Section 1 18th Amendment Section 2 18th Amendment Section 3 18th Amendment 19th Amendment Section 1 20th Amendment Section 2 20th Amendment Section 3 20th Amendment Section 4 20th Amendment Section 5 20th Amendment Section 6 20th Amendment Section 1 21th Amendment Section 2 21th Amendment Section 3 21th Amendment Section 1 22nd Amendment Section 2 22nd Amendment Section 1 23rd Amendment Section 2 23rd Amendment Section 1 24th Amendment Section 2 24th Amendment Section 1 25th Amendment Section 2 25th Amendment Section 3 25th Amendment Section 4 25th Amendment Section 1 26th Amendment Section 2 26th Amendment 27th Amendment

Section 2 22nd Amendment United States Constitution

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

See also: Section 1 22nd Amendment United States Constitution

See also  Seventh Amendment United States Constitution

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