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United Nations Security Council Resolution 145 – The Congo Question

United Nations Security Council Resolution 145 – The Congo Question

145 (1960). Resolution of 22 July 1960

The Security Council,

Having considered the first report of the Secretary-General 8 on the implementation of Security Council resolution 143 (1960) of 14 July 1960,

Appreciating the work of the Secretary-General and the support so readily and so speedily given to him by all Member States invited by him to give assistance,

Noting that, as stated by the Secretary-General, the arrival of the troops of the United Nations Force in Leopoldville has already had a salutary effect,

Recognizing that an urgent need still exists to con-tinue and to increase such efforts,

Considering that, the complete restoration of law and order in the Republic of the Congo would effectively contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security,

Recognizing that the Security Council recommended the admission of the Republic of the Congo to membership in the United Nations as a unit,

  1. Calls upon the Government of Belgium to implement speedily Security Council resolution 143 (1960) on the withdrawal of its troops and authorizes the Secre-tary-General to take all necessary action to this effect;

2. Requests all States to refrain from any action which might tend to impede the restoration of law and order and the exercise by the Government of the Congo of its authority and also to refrain from any action which might undermine the territorial integrity and the political independence of the Republic of the Congo;

3. Commends the Secretary-General for the prompt action he has taken to carry out resolution 143 (1960) and for his first report;

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 2708 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNISFA)

4. Invites the specialized agencies of the United Nations to render to the Secretary-General such assistance as he may require;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to report further to the Security Council as appropriate.

Adopted unanimously at the 879th meeting.

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