Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 178 – Complaint by Senegal

United Nations Security Council Resolution 178 – Complaint by Senegal

United Nations Security Council Resolution 178 – Complaint by Senegal

178 (1963). Resolution of 24 April 1963

The Security Council,

Having heard the statements of the representatives of Senegal and Portugal conceming violations of Senegalese territory by the Portuguese military forces,

Deploring the incidents that have occurred near the frontier between Senegal and Portuguese Guinea,

Noting with concern that the state of relations in this area between the two parties concemed may lead to tension on the occasion of any incident, and expressing the hope that such tension will be eliminated in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations,

Taking note of the declared intention of the Portuguese Government scrupulously to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Senegal,

  1. Deplores any incursion by Portuguese military forces into Senegalese territory as well as the incident which occurred at Bouniak on 8 April 1963;

2. Requests the Govemment of Portugal, in accordance with its declared intentions, to take whatever action may be necessary to prevent any violation of Senegal’s sovereignty and territorial integrity;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the development of the situation under review.

Adopted unanimously at the 1033rd meeting.

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