Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 189 – Complaint concerning acts of aggression against the territory and civilian population of Cambodia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 189 – Complaint concerning acts of aggression against the territory and civilian population of Cambodia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 189 – Complaint concerning acts of aggression against the territory and civilian population of Cambodia

189 (1964). Resolution of 4 June 1964

The Security Council,

Considering the complaint by the Royal Government of Cambodia in document S/5697,

Noting the statements made in the Council in regard to this complaint,

Noting with regret the incidents which have occurred on Cambodian territory and the existing situation on the Cambodian-Viet-Namese frontier,

Taking note of the apologies and regrets tendered to the Royal Government of Cambodia in regard to these incidents and the loss of life they have entailed,

Noting also the desire of the Governments of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Viet-Nam to succeed in restoring their relations to a peaceful and normal state,

1. Deplores the incidents caused by the penetration of units of the Army of the Republic of VietNam into Cambodian terrïtory;

2. Requests that just and fair compensation should be offered to the Royal Government of Cambodia;

3. Invites those responsible to take all appropriate measures to prevent any further violation of the Cambodian frontier;

4. Requests all States and authorities, and in particular the members of the Geneva Conference, to recognize and respect Cambodia’s neutrality and territorial integrity;

5. Decides to send three of its members to the two countries and to the places where the most recent incidents have occurred, in order to consider such measures as may prevent any recurrence of such incidents; they will report to the Security Council within forty-five days.

Adopted unanimously at the 1126th meeting.

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