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United Nations Security Council Resolution 316 – Middle East

United Nations Security Council Resolution 316 – Middle East

Resolution 316 (1972) of 26 June 1972

The Security Council,

Having considered the agenda contained in document S/ Agenda/1650/Rev.1,

Having noted the contents of the letters of the Permanent Representative of Lebanon, the Permanent Representative of Israel and the Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic,

Recalling the consensus of the members of the Security Council of 19 April 1972, 60

Having noted the supplementary information provided by the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization contained in documents S/7930/ Add.1584 to Add.1640, of 26 April to 21 June 1972, and particularly documents S/7930/ Add.1641 to Add.1648, of 21 to 24 June 1972, 61

Having heard the statements of the representatives of Lebanon and of Israel,

Deploring the tragic loss of life resulting from all acts of violence and retaliation,

Gravely concerned at Israel’s failure to comply with Security Council resolutions 262 (1968) of 31 Decem-ber 1968, 270 (1969) of 26 August 1969, 280 (1970) of 19 May 1970, 285 ( 1970) of 5 September 1970 and 313 (1972) of 28 February 1972 calling on Israel to desist forthwith from any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon,

1. Calls upon Israel to strictly abide by the afore-mentioned resolutions and to refrain from all military acts against Lebanon;

2. Condemns, while profoundly deploring all acts of violence, the repeated attacks of Israeli forces on Lebanese territory and population in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and Israel’s obligations thereunder;

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3. Expresses the strong desire that appropriate steps will lead, as an immediate consequence, to the release in the shortest possible time of all Syrian and Lebanese military and security personnel abducted by Israeli armed forces on 21 June 1972 on Lebanese territory;

4. Declares that if the above-mentioned steps do not result in the release of the abducted personnel or if Israel fails to comply with the present resolution, the Council will reconvene at the earliest to consider further action.

Adopted at the 1650th meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Panama, United States of America).

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