Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 474 – Israel-Lebanon

United Nations Security Council Resolution 474 – Israel-Lebanon

United Nations Security Council Resolution 474 – Israel-Lebanon

Resolution 474 (1980) of 17 June 1980

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427 (1978), 434 (1978), 444 (1979), 450 (1979), 459 (1979) and 467 (1980), as well as the statement by the Presi-dent of the Security Council of 18 April 1980,27

Having studied the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon of 12 June 1980,

Acting in response to the request of the Government of Lebanon and noting with concern the questions raised in its letters addressed to the Security Council on 8 May, 43 17 May44 and 27 May 1980,

Convinced that the present situation has serious consequences for peace and security in the Middle East,

Reaffirming its call for the strict respect for the territorial integrity, unity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries,

Commending the performance of the Force, yet expressing its concern about the continued existence of obstacles to the full deployment of the Force and its freedom of movement, the threats to its security and the safety of its headquarters,

  1. Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for a period of six months, that is, until 19 December 1980, and reiterates its commitment to the full implementation of the mandate of the Force throughout its entire area of operation up to the internationally recognized boundaries, according to the terms of reference and guidelines as stated and confirmed in the appropriate Security Council resolutions;
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2. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and fully endorses the conclusions and recommendations expressed therein:

3. Strongly condemns all actions contrary to the provisions of the mandate and, in particular, continued acts of violence that prevent the fulfilment of this mandate by the Force;

4. Takes note of the steps already taken by the Secretary-General to convene a meeting of the Israel-Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission and urges the parties concerned to extend to him their full co-operation in accordance with the relevant Security Council decisions and resolutions, including resolution 467 (1980);

5. Takes note of the efforts deployed by Member States, and more particularly the troop-contributing countries, in support of the Force and urges all those which are in a position to do so to continue to use their influence with those concerned so that the Force can discharge its responsibilities fully and unhampered:

6. Reaffirms its determination, in the event of continuing obstruction of the mandate of the Force, to examine practical ways and means to secure the full implementation of resolution 425 (1978):

7. Decides to remain seized of the question.

Adopted at the 2232nd meeting by 12 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (German Democratic Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

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