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United Nations Security Council Resolution 488 – Israel-Lebanon

United Nations Security Council Resolution 488 – Israel-Lebanon

Resolution 488 (1981) of 19 June 1981

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427 (1978), 434 (1978), 444 (1979), 450 (1979). 459 (1979), 467 (1980), 474 (1980) and 483 (1980),

Recalling the statement made by the President of the Security Council at the 2266th meeting, on 19 March 1981,”

Noting with concern the violations of the relevant Security Council resolutions which had prompted the Government of Lebanon repeatedly to ask the Council for action, and particularly its complaint of 3 March 1981,”

Recalling the terms of reference and general guidelines of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. as stated in the report of the Secretary-General of 19 March 1978′” confirmed by resolution 426 (1978), and particularly:

(a) That the Force “must be able to function as an integrated and efficient military unit”.

(b) That the Force “must enjoy the freedom of movement and communication and other facilities that are necessary for the performance of its tasks”.

(c) That the Force “will not use force except in self-defence”,

(d) That self-defence would include resistance to attempts by forceful means to prevent it from discharging its duties under the mandate of the Security Council”.

Having studied the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon of 16 June 198 I , ” and taking note of the conclusions and recommendations expressed therein,

Convinced that the deterioration of the present situation has serious consequences for international security in the Middle East and impedes the achievement of a just, comprehensive and durable peace in the area,

1. Reaffirms its repeated call upon all concerned for the strict respect for the political independence, unity, sover-eignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon and reiterates the Council’s determination to implement resolution 425 (1978) and the ensuing resolutions in the totality of the area of operation assigned to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon up to the internationally recognized boundaries;

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2. Condemns all actions contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned resolutions that have prevented the full implementation of the mandate of the Force, causing death; injury and destructio’l to the civilian population as well as among the peace-keeping force;

3. Supports the efforts of the Government of Lebanon in the civilian and military fields of rehabilitation and reconstruction in southern Lebanon, and supports, in particular, the deployment of substantial contingents of the Lebanese army in the area of operation of the Force;

4. Decides to renew the mandate of the Force for another period of six months, that is, until 19 December 1981;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to assist the Government of Lebanon in establishing a joint phased programme of activities to be carried out during the present mandate of the Force, aimed at the total implementation of resolution 425 (1978), and to report periodically to the Security Council;

6. Commends the efforts of the Secretary-General and the performance of the Force, as well as the support of the troop-contributing Governments and of all Member States who have assisted the Secretary-General, his staff and the Force in discharging their responsibilities under the mandate;

7. Decides to remain seized of the question and reaffirms its determination, in the event of continuing obstruction of the mandate of the Force, to examine practical ways and means to secure its unconditional fulfilment.

Adopted at the 2289th meeting by 12 votes to none. with 2 abstentions (German Democratic Republic Union of’ Soviet Socialist Republics).”

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