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United Nations Security Council Resolution 519 – Israel-Lebanon

United Nations Security Council Resolution 519 – Israel-Lebanon

Resolution 519 (1982) of 17 August 1982

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978), 427(1978), 434 (1978), 444 (1979), 450 (1979), 459 (1979),467 (1980), 483 (1980), 488 (1981), 490 (1981), 498 (1981).501 (1982) and 511 (1982).

Reaffirming its resolutions 508 (1982) and 509 (1982). as well as subsequent resolutions on the situation in Lebanon.

Having studied with grave concern the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon” and noting its conclusions and recommendations and the wishes of the Government of Lebanon as set out therein,

Bearing in mind the need, pending an examination by the Security Council of the situation in all its aspects, to preserve in place the capacity of the United Nations to assist in the restoration of the peace and of the authority of the Govern ment of Lebanon throughout Lebanon,

  1. Decides to extend the present mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for a further interim pe riod of two months, that is, until 19 October 1982.

2. Authorizes the Force during that period to continue to carry out, in addition, the interim tasks in the humani tarian and administrative fields assigned to it in paragraph 2 of resolution 511 (1982);

3. Calls on all concerned, taking into account paragraphs 5, 8, and 9 of the report of the Secretary-General on the Force, to extend full co-operation to it in the discharge of its tasks;

4. Supports the efforts of the Secretary-General, with a view to optimum use of observers of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, as envisaged by relevant resolutions of the Security Council,

5. Decides to consider the situation fully and in all its aspects before 19 October 1982.

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 825 – Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Adopted at the 2393rd meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 absten tions (Poland. Union of Seviet Socialist Republics).

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