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United Nations Security Council Resolution 568 – Botswana-South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 568 – Botswana-South Africa

Resolution 568 (1985) of 21 June 1985

The Security Council,

Taking note of the letter dated 17 June 1985 from the Permanent Representative of Botswana to the United Nations8 2 and having heard the statement of the Minister for External Affairs of Botswana concerning the recent acts of aggression by the racist regime of South Africa against the Republic of Botswana,

Expressing its shock and indignation at the loss of human life, the injuries inflicted, and the extensive damage as a result of that action,

Affirming the urgent need to safeguard the territorial integrity of Botswana and maintain peace and security in southern Africa,

Reaffirming the obligation of all States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any State,

Expressing its profound concern that the racist regime resorted to the use of military force against the defenceless and peace-loving nation of Botswana,

Gravely concerned that such acts of aggression can only serve to aggravate the already volatile and dangerous situation in southern Africa,

Bearing in mind that this latest incident is one in a series of provocative actions carried out by South Africa resolutions of the General Assembly on Namibia, including resolution 1514 (XV);

8. Declares once again that the independence of Namibia cannot be held hostage to the resolution of issues that are alien to resolution 435 (1978);

9. Reiterates that resolution 435 (1978), embodying the United Nations plan for the independence of Namibia, is the only internationally accepted basis for a peaceful settlement of the Namibian problem and demands its immediate and unconditional implementa- tion;

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10. Affirms that the consultations undertaken by the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 532 (1983) have confirmed that all the outstanding issues relevant to resolution 435 (1978) have been resolved, except for the choice of the electoral system,

11. Decides to mandate the Secretary-General to resume immediate contact with South Africa with a view to obtaining its choice of the electoral system to be used for the election, under United Nations supervision and control, for the Constituent Assembly, in terms of resolution 435 (1978), in order to pave the way for the adoption by the Security Council of the enabling resolution for the implementation of the United Nations plan for the independence of Namibia;

12. Demands that South Africa co-operate fully with the Security Council and the Secretary-General in the implementation of the present resolution;

13. Strongly warns South Africa that failure to do so would compel the Security Council to meet forthwith to consider the adoption of appropriate measures under the Charter, including Chapter VII, as additional pressure to ensure South Africa’s compliance with the above-mentioned resolutions;

14. Urges States Members of the United Nations that have not done so to consider in the meantime taking appropriate voluntary measures against South Africa, which could include the following:

(a) Suspension of new investments and application of disincentives to that end;

(b) Re-examination of maritime and aerial relations with South Africa;

(c) Prohibition of the sale of krugerrands and all other coins minted in South Africa;

(d) Restrictions on sports and cultural relations;

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15. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the present resolution not later than the first week of September 1985;

16. Decides to remain seized of the matter and to meet immediately upon receipt of the Secretary- General’s report for the purpose of reviewing progress in the implementation of resolution 435 (1978) and, in the event of continued obstruction by South Africa, to invoke paragraph 13 of the present resolution.

Adopted as the 2595th meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

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