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United Nations Security Council Resolution 581 – South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 581 – South Africa

Resolution 581 (1986)of 13 February 1986

The Security Council,

Having considered the request of the Permanent Repre sentative of the Sudan to the United Nations contained in document S/1777

Bearing in mind that all Member States are obliged to refram in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity on political independence of any State or from acting in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes and princi ples of the United Nations,

Gravely concerned at the tension and instability created by the hostile policies and aggression of the apartheid regime throughout southern Africa and the mounting threat they pose to the security of the region and its wider implications for international peace and security.

Gravely concerned that such acts of aggression can only serve to aggravate the already volatile and dangerous situation in the southern African region,

Restorating its total opposition to the system of apartheid.

Reaffirming the right of all countries to give sanctuary to refugees fleeing from the oppression caused by the apartheid system.

Faking note of the communique of the Ministers of the front line States and of the European Economic Community in which, inter alia, the Ministers condemned South Africa’s policy of destabilization in all its manifestations, including the use of any direct or indirect armed actions in neighbouring States, and agreed to deny perpe frators of such actions any assistance or support.

Recalling its resolutions 567 (1985), 568 (1985) 471 (1985), 572 (1985) and 580 (1985), by which, inter alia, in condemned South Africa’s aggression again Angola, Botswana and Lesotho,

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Convinced that the apartheid system of the racist regime of South Africa and its continued illegal occupation ol Namibia are the source of tensions and insecurity in southern Africa.

Gravely concerned at the recent threats by South Africa to continue to perpetrate acts of aggression against the front-line States and other countries in southern Africa med at destabilizing them.

Conscious of the urgent need to take effective steps for the prevention and removal of all threats to peace and security in the region posed by South Africa’s recent threats to use force against countries in southern Africa.

Convinced that only the climination of apartheid can lead to a just and lasting solution to the explosive situation in South Africa in particular and in southern Africa m general.

  1. Strongly condemes racist South Africa for its recent threats to perpetrate acts of aggrowion against the front lime States and other States in southern Africa:

2. Strongly warns the racist regime of South Africa against committing any acts of aggression, terrorism and destabilization against independent African States and itsuse of mercenaries.

3. Deplores the escalation of violence in the region and calls upon South Africa to respect fully the sanctity of in ternational borders.

4. Deplores any form of assastance given by States which could he used to destabilize independent States in southern Africa.

5. Calls upon all States to exert pressure on South Africa to desist from perpetrating acts of aggression against neighbouring States.

6. Reaffirms the right of all States in the fulfilment of their international obligations to give sanctuary to the vi tims of apartheid

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7. Demands the immediate eradication of apartheid as the necessary step towards the establishment of a non-racial democratic society based on self-determination and majority rule through the full and free exercise of univer sal adult suffrage by all the people in a united and non-fragmented South Africa, and to this end demands

(a) The dismantling of the hantustan structures as well as the cessation of uprooting, relocation and denationali zation of the indigenous African people:

(b) The abrogation of the hans and restrictions on political organizations, parties, individuals and news media op posed to apartheid.

(c) The unimpeded return of all the exiles:

8. Demands that the racist regime of South Africa put an end to the violence against and repression of the black people and other opponents of apartheid, unconditionally release all persons imprisoned, detained or restricted for their opposition to apartheid and lift the state of emer gency:

9. Deplores the racist régime of South Africa for its disregard of the principles of international law and its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations.

10. Commends the front-line States and other States neighbouring South Africa for their support of freedom and justice in South Africa and requests Member States to extend urgently all forms of assistance to these States inorder to strengthen their capacities to receive, maintainand protect South African refugees in their respective countries.

11. Requests the Secretary-General to monitor devel opments related to South Africa’s threats to escalate acts of aggression agamst independent States in southern Africa and to report to the Security Council as the situation demands.

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12. Decides to remain served of the matter.

Adopted at the 2662nd meeting by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

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