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United Nations Security Council Resolution 602 – Angola-South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 602 – Angola-South Africa

Resolution 602 (1987) of 25 November 1987

The Security Council,

Having considered the request by the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of Angola to the United Nations contained in document S/ 19278 of 19 November 1987,

Having heard the statement by Mr. Venancio de Moura, Vice-Minister for External Relations of the People’s Republic of Angola, …

Gravely concerned at the continuing acts of aggression committed by the racist regime of South Africa against Angola,

Deeply concerned at the tragic loss of human life and the destruction of property resulting from such acts,

Further gravely concerned at racist South Africa’s persistent violation of the sovereignty, airspace and territorial integrity of Angola,

Recalling its resolutions 387 (l 976), 428 (1978), 447 (1979), 454 (1979), 475 (1980), 545 (1983), 546 (1984), 567 (1985), 571 ( 1985), 574 ( 1985) and 577 (1985),

Gravely concerned also that the pursuance of these acts of aggression against Angola constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security,

Indignant at the illegal entry into Angola by the head of the racist South African regime and some of his Ministers,

Conscious of the urgent need to take immediate and effective steps for the prevention and removal of all threats to international peace and security posed by South Africa’s acts of aggression,

1. Strongly condemns the racist regime of South Africa for its continued and intensified acts of aggression against the People’s Republic of Angola, as well as its continuing occupation of parts of that State, which constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola;

2. Strongly condemns the illegal entry into Angola by the head of the racist South African regime and some of his Ministers, in flagrant violation of Angola’s territorial integrity and sovereignty;

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3. Strongly condemns South Africa for its utilization of the Territory of Namibia as a springboard for acts of aggression and destabilization of Angola;

4. Demands once again that South Africa cease immediately its acts of aggression against Angola and unconditionally withdraw all its forces occupying Angolan territory. as well as scrupulously respect the sovereignty. airspace. territorial integrity and independence of Angola;

5. Decides to mandate the Secretary-General to monitor the withdrawal of the South African military forces from the territory of Angola and to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution not later than 10 December 1987;

6. Calls upon all Member States to co-operate with the Secretary-General in the implementation of the present resolution and to refrain from any action which would undermine the independence, territorial integrity and sover-eignty of Angola;

7. Decides to meet again on receipt of the Secretary-General’s report with regard to the implementation of the present resolution;

8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted unanimously at the 2767th meeting.

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