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United Nations Security Council Resolution 698 – Cyprus

United Nations Security Council Resolution 698 – Cyprus

Resolution 698 (1991) or 14 June 1991

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964 establishing the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus for an initial period of three months,

Recalling its subsequent resolutions extending the mandate of the Force, most recently its resolution 697 (1991) of 14 June 1991,

Also recalling the report of the United Nations Secretariat review team on the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus of 7 December 1990 and the recommendations contained therein,

Further recalling its resolution 682 (1990) of 21 December 1990, by which it decided to examine the problem of the costs and financing of the Force in all its aspects, with a view to putting into effect an alternative method of financing simultaneously with the renewal of the mandate on or before 15 June 1991,

Noting with appreciation the recent consultations among Council members on the problem of the costs and financing of the Force in all its aspects, resulting in the report of the Group of Friends of the President of the Security Council of 31 May 1991,

Taking note with concern of the latest report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus, of 31 May and 3 and 14 June 1991,113 which once again draws attention to the chronic financing problem of the Force,

Reaffirming again the statement of the President of the Security Council of 30 May 1990, in which the members of the Council emphasized that United Nations peace-keeping operations must be launched and maintained on a sound and secure financial basis,

Stressing the importance of an early agreement on a resolution of the Cyprus problem,

  1. Concludes that a method of financing of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus is needed which will put the Force on a sound and secure financial basis;
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2. Also concludes that the question of the costs of the Force needs to be studied further, with the aim of both reducing and clearly defining the costs for which the United Nations should be responsible;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to hold consultations with members of the Council, troop-contributing countries and others concerned on the question of costs, taking into account both the report of the United Nations Secretariat review team on the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus of 7 December 1990 and the report of the Group of Friends of the President of the Security Council of 31 May 1991, and to report to the Council by 1 October 1991, and undertakes to decide, in the light of this report and by the time of the next extension of the mandate of the Force on or before 15 December 1991, on measures to be taken to put the Force onto a sound and secure financial basis.

Adopted unanimously at the 2993rd meeting.

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