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United Nations Security Council Resolution 750 – Cyprus

United Nations Security Council Resolution 750 – Cyprus

Resolution 750 (1992) of 10 Aprll 1992

The Security Council,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 3 April 1992 on bis mission of good offices in Cyprus,

Reaffirming its previous resolutions on Cyprus,

Noting with concem that there bas been no progress in completing the set of ideas for an overall framework agreement since the Secretary-General’s report of 8 October 1991295 and that in some areas there bas even been regression,

Welcoming the assurances given to the Secretary-General over the past two months by the leaders of the two communities and the Prime Ministers of Greece and Turkey of their desire to cooperate with him and his representatives,

  1. Commends the Secretary-General for his efforts, and expresses its appreciation for his report of 3 April 1992 on his mission of good offices in Cyprus;294

2. Reaffirms the position, set out in resolutions 649 (1990) of 12 March 1990 and 716 (1991) of 11 October 1991, that a Cyprus settlement must be based on a State of Cyprus with a single sovereignty and international personality and a single citizenship, with its independence and territorial integrity safeguarded, and comprising two politically equal communities as defined in paragraph 11 of the Secretary-General’s report in a hi-communal and hi-zonal federation, and that such a settlement must exclude union in whole or in part with any other country or any fonn of partition or secession;

3. Calls again upon the parties to adhere fully to these principles and to negotiate without introducing concepts that are at variance with them;

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4. Endorses the set of ideas described in paragraphs 17 to 25 and 27 of the Secretary-General’s report as an appropriate basis for reaching an overall framework agreement, subject to the work that needs to be done on the outstanding issues, in particular on territorial adjustments and displaced persons, being brought to a conclusion as an integrated package mutually agreed upon by both communities;

5. Requests all concerned to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General and his representatives in clarifying without delay these outstanding issues;

6. Reaffirms that the Secretary-General ‘s mission of good offices is with the two communities, whose participation in the process is on an equal footing to assure the well-being and security of both communities;

7. Decides to remain seized of the Cyprus question on an ongoing and direct basis in support of the effort to complete the set of ideas referred to in paragraph 4 above and to conclude an overall framework agreement;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his intensive efforts to complete the set of ideas referred to in paragraph 4 above during May and June 1992, to keep the Council closely informed of his efforts and to seek the Council’s direct support whenever necessary;

9. Continues to believe that, following the satisfactory conclusion of the Secretary-General’s intensive efforts to complete the set of ideas referred to in paragraph 4 above, the convening of a high-level international meeting chaired by the Secretary-General in which the two communities and Greece and Turkey would participate represents an effective mechanism for concluding an overall framework agreement;

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10. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit a full report to the Council on the outcome of his efforts by July 1992 at the latest and to make specific recommendations for overcoming any outstanding difficulty;

11. Reaffirms the important mandate entrusted to the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus and looks forward to receiving the report on the Force that the Secretary-General proposes to submit in May 1992.

Adopted unanimously at the 3067th meeting.

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