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United Nations Security Council Resolution 804 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 804 – Angola

Resolution 804 (1993)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991, 747 (1992) of 24 March 1992, 785 (1992) of 30 October 1992 and 793 (1992) of 30 November 1992,

Having considered the further report of the Secretary-General dated 21 January 1993 (S/25140 and Add.1),

Having considered also the request submitted to the Secretary-General by the Government of Angola in its letter dated 21 January 1993 (S/25155),

Gravely disturbed by the recent outbreak of heavy fighting in many parts of Angola and the further deterioration of the already dangerous political and military situation in that country,

Gravely concerned at the continuing non-implementation of the major provisions of the “Acordos de Paz para Angola”,

Concerned at the recent absence of dialogue between the Government of Angola and UNITA, and welcoming the meeting between them under United Nations auspices in Addis Ababa to discuss the cease-fire and political matters,

Also concerned at the outrageous harassment and physical abuse to which UNAVEM II personnel have been subjected, and the looting and destruction of United Nations property, as described in the above-mentioned report of the Secretary-General,

Further concerned at reports of foreign support for and involvement in military actions in Angola,

Regretting that the deteriorating situation has made it increasingly difficult for UNAVEM II to carry out its mandate,

Recalling that democratic elections were held on 29 and 30 September 1992, which the Special Representative of the Secretary-General certified as being generally free and fair, and that steps have been taken to set up a Government of National Unity which would reflect the results of the legislative elections, and deeply regretting the failure of UNITA to take part in the political institutions thus established,

Reaffirming its commitment to preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Angola,

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Recognizing that the Angolans themselves bear ultimate responsibility for the restoration of peace and national reconciliation of their country,

Reiterating its support for the efforts of the Secretary-General and his Special Representative aimed at resolving the present crisis and resuming the political process, in particular through the completion of the electoral process,

  1. Notes with appreciation the above-mentioned report of the Secretary-General;

2. Strongly condemns the persistent violations of the main provisions of the “Acordos de Paz”, in particular the initial rejection by UNITA of the election results, its withdrawal from the new Angolan armed forces, its seizure by force of provincial capitals and municipalities and the resumption of hostilities;

3. Demands that the two parties cease fire immediately, restore at their meeting in Addis Ababa continued and meaningful dialogue, and agree on a clear timetable for the full implementation of the “Acordos de Paz”, in particular with regard to confinement of their troops and collection of their weapons, demobilization and formation of the unified national armed forces, effective restoration of the Government administration throughout the country, the completion of the electoral process and the free circulation of people and goods;

4. Supports fully the Secretary-General and his Special Representative in their continuing efforts to restore the peace process and to carry out the mandate of UNAVEM II under extremely difficult conditions;

5. Urges once again the two parties, and in particular UNITA, to produce early evidence of their adherence to, and fulfilment without exception of, the “Acordos de Paz”;

6. Appeals strongly to the Government of Angola and UNITA to confirm as soon as possible to the Secretary-General that real progress has been made towards implementation of the “Acordos de Paz”;

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7. Appeals to all Member States to render economic and technical assistance to the Government of Angola for reconstruction and development of the country;

8. Calls upon all Member States to support all those concerned in their efforts for the implementation of the “Acordos de Paz”;

9. Urges all Member States to take all necessary steps to stop immediately and effectively any direct or indirect military or paramilitary interference from their territories and to respect scrupulously the provisions of the “Acordos de Paz” concerning the cessation of supply of lethal material to any Angolan party;

10. Strongly condemns violations of international humanitarian law, in particular the attacks against the civilian population, including the extensive killings carried out by armed civilians, and calls upon both parties to abide by their obligations thereunder and the aporopriate provisions of the “Acordos de Paz”;

11. Demands that UNITA immediately release foreign nationals taken hostage;

12. Strongly condemns attacks against UNAVEM II personnel in Angola, and demands that the Government and UNITA take all necessary measures to ensure their safety and security;

13. Expresses its condolences to the family of the UNAVEM II police observer who lost his life;

14. Approves the recommendation of the Secretary-General to maintain a Special Representative for Angola based in Luanda, with the necessary civilian, military and police staff with the mandate as described in paragraph 29 of the report of the Secretary-General;

15. Decides to extend the mandate of UNAVEM II for a period of three months until 30 April 1993, with the proviso that, as a provisional measure based on security considerations, the Secretary-General is authorized to concentrate UNAVEM II deployment in Luanda, and at his discretion in other provincial locations, with the levels of equipment and personnel he deems appropriate to be retained in order to allow the subsequent expeditious redeployment of UNAVEM II as soon as this becomes feasible, with a view to the resumption of its functions in accordance with the “Acordos de Paz” and previous resolutions on this matter;

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16. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to it as soon as the situation warrants, and in any case before 30 April 1993, a report on the situation in Angola together with his recommendations for the further role of the United Nations in the peace process, and in the meantime to keep the Council regularly informed;

17. Stresses its readiness to take action promptly, at any time within the period of the mandate authorized by this resolution, on the recommendation of the Secretary-General, to expand substantially the United Nations presence in Angola in the event of significant progress in the peace process;

18. Reiterates its readiness to consider all appropriate measures under the Charter of the United Nations to secure implementation of the “Acordos de Paz”; 19. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3168th meeting, on 29 January 1993.

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