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United Nations Security Council Resolution 858 – Abkhazia, Georgia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 858 – Abkhazia, Georgia

Resolution 858 (1993)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 849 (1993) of 9 July 1993, which reserved to the Council a decision on the deployment of observers, following implementation of a cease-fire,

Welcoming the signing of the Cease-fire Agreement of 27 July 1993 between the Republic of Georgia and forces in Abkhazia,

Recalling its resolution 854 (1993) of 6 August 1993, in which the Council approved the deployment of an advance team of observers for a period of three months,

Having considered the Secretary-General’s report,

Reaffirming previous statements which underscored the vital importance of the maintenance of cease-fire agreements, in particular the statement of the President of the Security Council on 2 July 1993 (S/26032),

Determining that continuation of the conflict in Georgia threatens peace and stability in the region,

Noting that the parties to the conflict have committed themselves to withdrawal of forces from Abkhazia and that this withdrawal is at present under way,

  1. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s report of 6 August 1993 (S/26250);

2. Decides to establish a United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) in accordance with the above-mentioned report comprising up to eighty-eight military observers, plus minimal staff necessary to support UNOMIG, with the following mandate:

(a) To verify compliance with the Cease-fire Agreement of 27 July 1993 with special attention to the situation in the City of Sukhumi;

(b) To investigate reports of cease-fire violations and to attempt to resolve such incidents with the parties involved;

(c) To report to the Secretary-General on the implementation of its mandate including, in particular, violations of the Cease-fire Agreement;

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3. Decides that UNOMIG is established for a period of six wonths subject to the proviso that it will be extended beyond the initial ninety days only upon a review by the Council based on a report from the Secretary-General whether or not substantive progress had been made towards implementing measures aimed at establishing a lasting peace;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report as appropriate, but in any event within three months, on the activities of UNOMIG;

5. Decides to keep under constant review the operational arrangements to implement the mandate contained in this resolution, in the light of any further recommendations that the Secretary-General may make in this regard;

6. Welcomes the proposed deployment of mixed interim monitoring groups of Georgian/Abkhaz/Russian units designed to consolidate the cease-fire, and requests the Secretary-General to facilitate cooperation between the United Nations observers and these units within their respective mandates;

7. Calls on all parties to respect and implement the Cease-fire Agreement of 27 July 1993 and to cooperate fully with UNOMIG and ensure the safety of all United Nations personnel and all other peace-keeping and humanitarian personnel within Georgia;

8. Calls on the Government of the Republic of Georgia to conclude expeditiously with the United Nations a status of forces agreement to facilitate deployment of UNOMIG;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue energetically, through his Special Envoy, efforts to facilitate the peace process and negotiations, starting as soon as possible, towards the achievement of a comprehensive political settlement;

10. Expresses its continuing support for the Secretary-General’s ongoing cooperation with the Chairman-in-Office of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in efforts to bring peace to Georgia and elsewhere in the region;

11. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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Adopted by the Security Council at its 3268th meeting, on 24 August 1993.

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