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United Nations Security Council Resolution 863 – Mozambique

United Nations Security Council Resolution 863 – Mozambique

Resolution 863 (1993)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 782 (1992) of 13 October 1992, 797 (1992) of 16 December 1992, 818 (1993) of 14 April 1993 and 850 (1993) of 9 July 1993,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General dated 30 August 1993 (S/26385 and Add.l),

Reiterating the importance it attaches to the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique (S/24635, annex) and to the timely fulfilment in good faith by all parties of the obligations contained therein,

Commending the efforts of the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and the personnel of ONUMOZ to implement fully the mandate entrusted to the Mission and to carry it out to a successful conclusion,

Commending also the role played by the Organization of African Unity (OAU), through the Special Representative of its Secretary-General, in the implementation of the General Peace Agreement,

Noting with satisfaction the recent positive developments in the Mozambican peace process, especially the direct talks in Maputo between the President of Mozambique, Mr. Joaquim Chissano, and Mr. Alfonso Dhlakama, President of the Resistencia Nacional Mozambicana (RENAMO), which led to the agreements signed on 3 September 1993 (S/26385/Add.l),

Noting also with satisfaction the full deployment of the military component of the United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ), and the progress made in the establishment by ONUMOZ of assembly areas,

Stressing the unacceptability of attempts to attach conditions to the peace process, in particular to the assembly and demobilization of troops, or to gain more time or further concessions,

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Expressing concern at the continuing delays in the implementation of major aspects of the General Peace Agreement as well as at cases of violations of the cease-fire,

1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General dated 30 August 1993 (S/26385 and Add.l);

2. Emphasizes the need to respect fully all the provisions of the General Peace Agreement, in particular those concerning the cease-fire and the movement of troops;

3. Reaffirms the importance it attaches to the holding of elections no later than October 1994

4. Strongly urges the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO to agree with, and to apply, without further postponement, the revised time-table for the implementation of all provisions of the General Peace Agreement as described in paragraphs 29 to 31 of the Secretary-General’s report (S/26385), and appeals to the parties to cooperate fully with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in this regard;

5. stresses once again the urgent need for the early initiation of the process of assembly and demobilization of troops, and its continuation, in accordance with the revised time-table without preconditions;

6. Urges RENAMO to join the Government of Mozambique in authorizing immediate assembly of forces, and equally urges that both the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO immediately thereupon begin demobilization;

7. Welcomes the progress made by the Commission for the new Mozambican Defence Force (CCFDM), in particular in relation to the training of instructors at Nyanga, and also the progress on mine-clearing;

8. Deplores the lack of progress in the multi-party consultative conference and urges RENAMO and other political parties to join with the Government of Mozambique in quickly agreeing on an election law, which should include provision for an effective national election commission;

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9. Calls on the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO to make operational without further delay the National Commission for Administration, the National Information Commission and the Police Affairs Commission;

10. Commends the agreements reached in the Maputo talks between the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO on the reintegration into the state administration of all areas now under the control of RENAMO as well as on the request for monitoring by the United Nations of all police activities in Mozambique and on undertaking additional tasks, as set out in document S/26385/Add.l;

11. Requests the Secretary-General to examine expeditiously the proposal by the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO for United Nations monitoring of police activities in the country, as set out in document S/26385/Add.l, and welcomes his intention to send a survey team of experts in connection with the proposed United Nations police contingent, and to report thereon to the Council;

12. Urges the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO to ensure that the momentum towards implementing the General Peace Agreement in full is maintained so that a just and lasting peace in Mozambique can be established, and to this end encourages the President of Mozambique and the President of RENAMO to continue their direct talks;

13. Encourages the international community to provide appropriate and prompt assistance for the implementation of the humanitarian programme carried out in the framework of the General Peace Agreement, and urges the Government of Mozambique and RENAMO to continue to facilitate unimpeded access of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in need;

14. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council informed of developments regarding the implementation of the provisions of the General Peace Agreement and to submit a report on the matter to the Security Council in good time before 31 October 1993;

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15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3274th meeting, on 13 September 1993.

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