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United Nations Security Council Resolution 880 – Cambodia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 880 – Cambodia

Resolution 880 (1993)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 745 (1992) of 28 February 1992 concerning theimplementation plan of the Paris Agreements on Cambodia and subsequent relevantresolutions,

Taking note of the reports of the Secretary-General dated 5 October 1993(S/26529), 7 October 1993 (S/26546) and 27 October 1993 (S/26649 and Add.1), and of his letter to the President of the Security Council dated 28 October 1993(S/26675),

Noting with satisfaction the success during the transitional period of the Cambodian people, under the leadership of His Majesty Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, in promoting peace, stability and national reconciliation,

Welcoming the adoption of the constitution in accordance with the Paris Agreements on Cambodia,

Recognizing the termination of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) mandate following the establishment of the constitutional government on 24 September 1993 in accordance with the Paris Agreements,

Noting with great satisfaction that, with the successful conclusion of theUNTAC mission following the election of 23-28 May 1993, the goal of the Paris Agreements of restoring to the Cambodian people and their democratically elected leaders their primary responsibility for peace, stability, national reconciliation and reconstruction in their country has been achieved,

Paying tribute to those Member States which contributed personnel to UNTAC and expressing sympathy and sorrow to those Governments whose nationals lost their lives or suffered casualties for the cause of peace in Cambodia as well asto their families,

Stressing the importance of consolidating the achievements of the Cambodian people by smooth and rapid delivery of appropriate international assistance towards rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in Cambodia and towards peace-building in that country,

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Noting the need to ensure the safe and orderly completion of the withdrawal of the military component of UNTAC from Cambodia, and the continuity of the vital mine clearance and training functions of the Cambodia Mine Action Centre(CMAC),

  1. Welcomes the accession to the throne of His Majesty Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, and stresses the importance of his continuing role in consolidating peace, stability and genuine national reconciliation in Cambodia;

2. Welcomes also the formation of the new Government of all Cambodia,established in accordance with the constitution and based upon the recent election;

3. Pays tribute to the work of UNTAC whose success, under the authority of the Secretary-General and his Special Representative, constitutes a major achievement for the United Nations;

4. Calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence,territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality and national unity of Cambodia;

5. Demands the cessation of all illegal acts of violence, on whatever grounds, and the cessation of military activities directed against the democratically elected Government of Cambodia, as well as against the personnel of UNTAC and other United Nations and international agencies;

6. Affirms the importance, particularly in view of the recent tragic history of Cambodia, of ensuring respect for international humanitarian law in that country, welcomes in this regard the commitment of the First Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia to the implementation of the relevant provisions of the new Cambodian Constitution, and endorses the arrangements foreshadowed in paragraphs 27-29 of the Secretary-General’s report of 26 August 1993 (S/26360) for appropriate United Nations activities in support of this commitment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Paris Agreements;

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7. Urges Member States to assist CMAC with technical experts and equipment, and to support de-mining work through voluntary contributions;

8. Expresses the hope that arrangements can be made as soon as possible so that relevant trust fund monies can be disbursed to CMAC and so that technical experts can be provided to CMAC through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

9. Notes that, with the exceptions set out in paragraphs 10 and 11 below,the safe and orderly withdrawal of the military component of UNTAC provided for in resolution 860 (1993) continues and will end on 15 November 1993;

10. Decides to extend the period of withdrawal of the mine clearance andtraining unit of UNTAC until 30 November 1993;

11. Decides to extend the period of withdrawal beyond 15 November 1993 for elements of the military police and medical components of UNTAC in accordance with the detailed recommendations set out in the Secretary-General’s letter to the President of the Security Council of 28 October 1993, on the basis that all of these elements will be withdrawn by 31 December 1993;

12. Decides to establish a team of 20 military liaison officers for a single period of six months with a mandate to report on matters affecting security in Cambodia, to maintain liaison with the Government of Cambodia and to assist the Government in dealing with residual military matters relating to the Paris Agreements;

13. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General, in light of the request by the Royal Government of Cambodia and the continuing commitment of the United Nations to Cambodia, to appoint for a period to be agreed upon by the Secretary-General and the Government of Cambodia, a person to coordinate the United Nations presence in Cambodia, in accordance with the spirit and principles of the Paris Agreements;

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14. Urges Member States to continue to help the Government of Cambodia in achieving its objectives of national reconciliation and rehabilitation of Cambodia and requests them to implement without delay the undertakings made during the meeting of the International Committee on Reconstruction of Cambodia and stresses the need for quick disbursing assistance to provide support for help to alleviate the fiscal crisis currently facing the new Government;

15. Welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to report on the lessons learned during the course of UNTAC in the context of the Agenda For Peace.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3303rd meeting,on 4 November 1993.

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