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United Nations Security Council Resolution 893 – UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda and implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement

United Nations Security Council Resolution 893 – UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda and implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement

Resolution 893 (1994)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 872 (1993) of 5 October 1993 establishing theUnited Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR),

Recalling its resolutions 812 (1993) of 12 March 1993, 846 (1993) of22 June 1993 and 891 (1993) of 20 December 1993,

Having examined the report of the Secretary-General of 30 December 1993(S/26927), in the context of the review called for in its resolution 872 (1993),as well as his previous report of 24 September 1993 (S/26488 and Add.1),November 1993, of an agreement on the statusof UNAMIR and its personnel in Rwanda,

Taking note of the progress described in the Secretary-General’s report of30 December 1993 in implementing the Arusha Peace Agreement,Welcoming further the valuable contribution to peace made in Rwanda byUNAMIR,

Noting with concern the incidents of violence in Rwanda and theconsequences for Rwanda of the situation in Burundi, and urging all concerned toreaffirm their commitment to peace,

Welcoming also the joint statement made by the parties in Kinihira on 10 December 1993 concerning the implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement And, in particular, the prompt establishment of a broad-based transitional government,

  1. Reaffirms its approval of the Secretary-General’s proposal concerning the deployment of UNAMIR as outlined in his report of 24 September 1993,including the early deployment of the second battalion to the demilitarized zoneas indicated in paragraph 30 of his report of 30 December 1993;

2. Strongly urges the parties to cooperate fully in furthering the peaceprocess, to comply fully with the Arusha Peace Agreement, on which the schedule contained in the Secretary-General’s report of 24 September 1993 is based, andin particular to establish a broad-based transitional government at the earliestopportunity in accordance with this Agreement;

3. Stresses that continued support for UNAMIR will depend upon the fulland prompt implementation by the parties of the Arusha Peace Agreement;

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4. Welcomes the continued efforts by the Secretary-General and his Special Representative to help promote and enhance dialogue among all the parties concerned;

5. Commends the efforts of Member States, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations which have provided humanitarian and other assistance and urges others to provide such assistance;

6. Commends in particular the efforts of the Organization of Africa Unity, its member States and agencies in providing diplomatic, political,humanitarian and other support for the implementation of resolution 872 (1993);

7. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to continue to monitor the size and cost of UNAMIR to seek economies;

8. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3326th meeting,on 6 January 1994.

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