Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 897 – UN Operation in Somalia II

United Nations Security Council Resolution 897 – UN Operation in Somalia II

United Nations Security Council Resolution 897 – UN Operation in Somalia II

Resolution 897 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992 and all subsequentrelevant resolutions,

Reaffirming the decision taken in resolution 886 (1993) of 18 November 1993to continue UNOSOM II up to 31 May 1994,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 6 January 1994(S/1994/12),

Stressing the importance the Council attaches to the Somali partiesfulfilling in good faith all obligations and agreements to which they committhemselves, and affirming once again that the General Agreement signed inAddis Ababa on 8 January 1993 and the Addis Ababa Agreement of the First Sessionof the Conference on National Reconciliation in Somalia signed on 27 March 1993(“the Addis Ababa Agreements”) constitute the basis for the resolution of theproblems in Somalia,

Bearing in mind respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity ofSomalia in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and recognizingthat the people of Somalia bear the ultimate responsibility for setting upviable national political institutions and for reconstructing their country,

Expressing serious concern at reports that Somali factions are re-armingand that a troop build-up is taking place in some regions of Somalia,

Condemning the continued incidents in Somalia of fighting and banditry andin particular condemning violence and armed attacks against persons engaged in humanitarian and peace-keeping efforts,

Emphasizing the crucial importance of disarmament by all parties inachieving lasting peace and stability in Somalia,

Paying tribute to the peace-keepers and humanitarian personnel of severalcountries killed or injured while serving in Somalia and, in this context,re-emphasizing the importance the Council attaches to the safety and security ofUnited Nations and other personnel engaged in humanitarian relief and peace-keeping throughout Somalia,

Affirming the importance of establishing, by the Somali people, ofrepresentative district and regional councils and of a transitional nationalcouncil, as well as the importance of a re-established police force and ajudicial system for the restoration of public order throughout Somalia,

Welcoming the efforts made at the Fourth Humanitarian Conference at Advisable and reaffirming the commitment of the international community to assist the Somali people to attain political reconciliation and reconstruction,

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Welcoming also political contacts and consultations between representative of various parties in Somalia with a view to finding solutions to outstanding matters and disputes among them and promoting the process of political reconciliation,

Commending and supporting the ongoing diplomatic efforts being made byinternational and regional organizations and Member States, in particular thosein the region, to assist United Nations efforts to persuade Somali parties toreach a political settlement,

Reaffirming the objective that UNOSOM II complete its mission byMarch 1995,

Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to threaten peace andsecurity and having regard to the exceptional circumstances, including inparticular absence of a government in Somalia, and acting under Chapter VII ofthe Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/1994/12);

2. Approves the Secretary-General’s recommendation for the continuationof UNOSOM II, as set out in particular in paragraph 57 of his report, with arevised mandate for the following:

(a) Encouraging and assisting the Somali parties in implementing the”Addis Ababa Agreements”, in particular in their cooperative efforts to achievedisarmament and to respect the cease-fire;

(b) Protecting major ports and airports and essential infrastructure andsafeguarding the lines of communications vital to the provision of humanitarianrelief and reconstruction assistance;

(c) Continuing its efforts to provide humanitarian relief to all in needthroughout the country;

(d) Assisting in the reorganization of the Somali police and judicialsystem;

(e) Helping with the repatriation and resettlement of refugees anddisplaced persons;

(f) Assisting also in the ongoing political process in Somalia, whichshould culminate in the installation of a democratically elected government;

(g) Providing protection for the personnel, installations and equipment ofthe United Nations and its agencies, as well as of non-governmentalorganizations providing humanitarian relief and reconstruction assistance;

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3. Authorizes the gradual reduction of UNOSOM II to a force level of upto 22,000, and necessary support elements, such force level to be reviewed atthe next renewal of the mandate;

4. Underlines, in this context, the vital importance of placing at thedisposal of UNOSOM II the necessary material means and military assets requiredto enable it to discharge its responsibilities in an effective manner as well aseffectively to defend its personnel in case of armed attack;

5. Approves also giving priority to directing internationalreconstruction resources to those regions where security is being re-establishedand to local Somali institutions which are prepared to cooperate with theinternational community in setting development priorities in accordance with theDeclaration of the Fourth Humanitarian Conference in Addis Ababa as set forth inparagraphs 23 and 24 of the Secretary-General’s report;

6. Underlines the importance that the Council attaches to demining andrequests the Secretary-General to make arrangements to ensure the start ofdemining operations as soon as possible wherever conditions permit;

7. Calls upon all parties in Somalia to cooperate fully with UNOSOM IIand respect the cease-fire and other commitments entered into bythem;

8. Demands that all Somali parties refrain from any acts of intimidationor violence against personnel engaged in humanitarian or peace-keeping work in Somalia;

9. Reaffirms the obligations of States to implement fully the embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia imposed by paragraph 5 of resolution 733 (1992);

10. Commends the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and thepersonnel of UNOSOM II for their efforts in improving the conditions of the Somali people and in encouraging the process of political reconciliation,rehabilitation and reconstruction;

11. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have contributed troops or provided logistical or other assistance to UNOSOM II or have offered to do so, and encourages those who are in a position to do so to contribute, on an urgent basis, troops, civilian personnel, equipment, and financial and logistical support so as to enhance UNOSOM II’s capability tocarry out its mandate;

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12. Expresses also its appreciation to those States which have contributedhumanitarian assistance or have supported the Somali Justice Programmes andencourages further such contributions on an urgent basis;

13. Requests the Secretary-General to consider, in consultation with theOrganization of African Unity and the League of Arab States, establishingcontacts with the Somali parties with the view to arriving at an agreedtimetable for implementing the “Addis Ababa Agreements” including the objectiveof completing the process by March 1995;

14. Further requests the Secretary-General to submit to it, as soon as the situation warrants, and in any case in good time before 31 May 1994, a report onthe situation in Somalia and the implementation of this resolution;

15. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3334th meeting,on 4 February 1994.

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