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United Nations Security Council Resolution 911 – UN Observer Mission in Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 911 – UN Observer Mission in Liberia

Resolution 911 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 813 (1993) of 26 March 1993, 856 (1993) of10 August 1993 and 866 (1993) of 22 September 1993,

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General dated16 December 1993 (S/26868), 16 February 1994 (S/1994/168) and 18 April 1994(S/1994/463) on the activities of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia(UNOMIL),

Welcoming the progress made towards establishing the Liberian National Transitional Government but concerned about subsequent delays in implementing the Cotonou Peace Agreement,

Expressing its concern over renewed fighting between the Liberian parties and the negative impact that this fighting has had on the disarmament process,the effort to provide humanitarian relief, and the plight of displaced persons,

Commending the positive role of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in their efforts to help restore peace, security and stability in Liberia and urging them to continue their efforts with the aim of assisting the Liberian parties to complete the process of political settlement in the country,

Recognizing, as noted in the Secretary-General’s report of 4 August 1993(S/26200), that the Peace Agreement assigns the ECOWAS Cease-fire Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) to assist in the implementation of the Agreement,

Commending those African States that have contributed troops to ECOMOG, and those Member States that have contributed to the Trust Fund or by providing other assistance in support of the troops,

Welcoming the close cooperation between UNOMIL and ECOMOG and stressing theimportance of continued full cooperation and coordination between them in theimplementation of their respective tasks,

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Noting that the revised timetable of the Peace Agreement established on 15 February 1994 in Monrovia calls for legislative and presidential elections to take place by 7 September 1994,

  1. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s report dated 18 April 1994(S/1994/463) and the progress the parties have made towards the implementation of the Peace Agreement and other measures aimed at establishing a lasting peace;

2. Decides to extend the mandate of UNOMIL until 22 October 1994, on theunderstanding that the Security Council will, by 18 May 1994, review thesituation in Liberia, including the role played by UNOMIL in that country, basedon a report by the Secretary-General on whether or not the Council of State ofthe Liberian National Transitional Government has been fully installed, and onwhether there has been substantial progress in disarmament and in implementingthe peace process;

3. Decides further that the Council will again review the situation inLiberia, including the role played by UNOMIL, on or before 30 June 1994, on thebasis of a report of the Secretary-General, such review to include considerationof whether sufficient progress has been made in implementing the revisedtimetable of the Peace Agreement to warrant continued UNOMIL involvement, inparticular, the effective operation of the Liberian National TransitionalGovernment, progress in carrying out disarmament and demobilization, andpreparations for the holding of elections on 7 September 1994;

4. Notes that if the Council considers, during either of the above reviews, that progress has been insufficient, it may request the Secretary-General to prepare options regarding UNOMIL’s mandate and continued operations;

5. Urges all Liberian parties to cease hostilities immediately and to cooperate with ECOMOG forces to complete the disarmament process expeditiously;

6. Calls on the Liberian parties as an urgent priority to complete installation, within the time-frame established in paragraph 2 above, of theLiberian National Transitional Government, especially the seating of the fullcabinet and the national assembly, so that a unified civil administration of thecountry can be established and other appropriate arrangements completed so thatnational elections may be held as scheduled on 7 September 1994;

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7. Calls again on the Liberian parties to cooperate fully in the safedelivery of humanitarian assistance to all parts of the country by the most direct routes, in accordance with the Peace Agreement;

8. Welcomes ECOMOG’s ongoing efforts in furthering the peace process in Liberia and its commitment to ensure the safety of UNOMIL observers and civilian staff and urges the Liberian parties to continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the security and safety of UNOMIL personnel, as well as of the personnel involved in relief operations, and strictly to abide by applicable rules of international humanitarian law;

9. Encourages Member States to provide support for the peace process inLiberia by contributing to the Trust Fund or by providing other assistance tofacilitate the sending of reinforcements by African States to ECOMOG, assist insupporting troops of participating ECOMOG countries and also assist inhumanitarian and development activities, as well as the electoral process;

10. Commends the efforts made by Member States and humanitarian organizations to provide emergency humanitarian assistance;

11. Welcomes the continued efforts by the Secretary-General and his Special Representative to promote and facilitate dialogue among all parties concerned;

12. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3366th meeting,on 21 April 1994.

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