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United Nations Security Council Resolution 930 – South Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 930 – South Africa

Resolution 930 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 772 (1992) of 17 August 1992 and 894 (1994) of14 January 1994,

Noting with great satisfaction the establishment of a united, non-racialand democratic government of South Africa,

Welcoming General Assembly resolutions A/RES/48/13 C and A/RES/48/258 A of23 June 1994,

  1. Welcomes the final report of the Secretary-General on the UnitedNations Observer Mission in South Africa (UNOMSA) (S/1994/717);

2. Commends the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and UNOMSA, together with the Organization of African Unity,the Commonwealth and the European Union, in support of the establishment of aunited, non-racial and democratic South Africa;

3. Decides that, with the successful completion of its mandate, UNOMSA is terminated forthwith;

4. Also decides that it has concluded its consideration of the its mentitled “The question of South Africa” and hereby removes this item from thelist of matters of which the Council is seized.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3393rd meeting,on 27 June 1994.

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