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United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 – UN Mission in Haiti

United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 – UN Mission in Haiti

Resolution 940 (1994)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 841 (1993) of 16 June 1993, 861 (1993) of 27 August 1993, 862 (1993) of 31 August 1993, 867 (1993) of 23 September 1993,873 (1993) of 13 October 1993, 875 (1993) of 16 October 1993, 905 (1994) of 23 March 1994, 917 (1994) of 6 May 1994 and 933 (1994) of 30 June 1994,

Recalling the terms of the Governors Island Agreement (S/26063) and therelated Pact of New York (S/26297),

Condemning the continuing disregard of those agreements by the illegal de facto regime, and the regime’s refusal to cooperate with efforts by the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) to bring about their implementation,

Gravely concerned by the significant further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Haiti, in particular the continuing escalation by theillegal de facto regime of systematic violations of civil liberties, the desperate plight of Haitian refugees and the recent expulsion of the staff of the International Civilian Mission (MICIVIH), which was condemned in Its Presidential statement of 12 July 1994 (S/PRST/1994/32),

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General of 15 July 1994(S/1994/828 and Add.1) and 26 July 1994 (S/1994/871),Taking note of the letter dated 29 July 1994 from the legitimately elected President of Haiti (S/1994/905, annex) and the letter dated 30 July 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Haiti to the United Nations (S/1994/910),

Reiterating its commitment for the international community to assist and support the economic, social and institutional development of Haiti,

Reaffirming that the goal of the international community remains therestoration of democracy in Haiti and the prompt return of the legitimatelyelected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, within the framework of the GovernorsIsland Agreement,

Recalling that in resolution 873 (1993) the Council confirmed its readiness to consider the imposition of additional measures if the military authorities in Haiti continued to impede the activities of the United Nations Mission in Haiti(UNMIH) or failed to comply in full with its relevant resolutions and the provisions of the Governors Island Agreement,

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Determining that the situation in Haiti continues to constitute a threat topeace and security in the region,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 15 July 1994(S/1994/828) and takes note of his support for action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations in order to assist the legitimate Government of Haiti in the maintenance of public order;

2. Recognizes the unique character of the present situation in Haiti and its deteriorating, complex and extraordinary nature, requiring an exceptionalresponse;

3. Determines that the illegal de facto regime in Haiti has failed to comply with the Governors Island Agreement and is in breach of its obligations under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council;

4. Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,authorizes Member States to form a multinational force under unified command and control and, in this framework, to use all necessary means to facilitate the departure from Haiti of the military leadership, consistent with the Governors Island Agreement, the prompt return of the legitimately elected President andthe restoration of the legitimate authorities of the Government of Haiti, and toestablish and maintain a secure and stable environment that will permit implementation of the Governors Island Agreement, on the understanding that thecost of implementing this temporary operation will be borne by the participatingMember States;

5. Approves the establishment, upon adoption of this resolution, of anadvance team of UNMIH of not more than sixty personnel, including a group of observers, to establish the appropriate means of coordination with the multinational force, to carry out the monitoring of the operations of the multinational force and other functions described in paragraph 23 of the report of the Secretary-General of 15 July 1994 (S/1994/828), and to assess requirements and to prepare for the deployment of UNMIH upon completion of the mission of the multinational force;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the activities of the team within thirty days of the date of deployment of the multinational force;

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7. Decides that the tasks of the advance team as defined in paragraph 5 above will expire on the date of termination of the mission of the multinational force;

8. Decides that the multinational force will terminate its mission and UNMIH will assume the full range of its functions described in paragraph 9 below when a secure and stable environment has been established and UNMIH has adequate force capability and structure to assume the full range of its functions; the determination will be made by the Security Council, taking into account recommendations from the Member States of the multinational force, which arebased on the assessment of the commander of the multinational force, and fromthe Secretary-General;

9. Decides to revise and extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH) for a period of six months to assist the democratic Governmentof Haiti in fulfilling its responsibilities in connection with:(a) sustaining the secure and stable environment established during the multinational phase and protecting international personnel and key installations; and(b) the professionalization of the Haitian armed forces and the creation of a separate police force;

10. Requests also that UNMIH assist the legitimate constitutional authorities of Haiti in establishing an environment conducive to the reorganization of free and fair legislative elections to be called by those authorities and, when requested by them, monitored by the United Nations, in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS);

11. Decides to increase the troop level of UNMIH to 6,000 and establishes the objective of completing UNMIH’s mission, in cooperation with the constitutional Government of Haiti, not later than February 1996;

12. Invites all States, in particular those in the region, to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken by the United Nations and by Member States pursuant to this and other relevant Security Council resolutions;

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13. Requests the Member States acting in accordance with paragraph 4 above to report to the Council at regular intervals, the first such report to be made not later than seven days following the deployment of the multinational force;

14. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of this resolution at sixty-day intervals starting from the date of deployment of the multinational force;

15. Demands strict respect for the persons and premises of the United Nations, the Organization of American States, other international and humanitarian organizations and diplomatic missions in Haiti, and that no acts of intimidation or violence be directed against personnel engaged in humanitarian or peace-keeping work;

16. Emphasizes the necessity that, inter alia:

(a) All appropriate steps be taken to ensure the security and safety of the operations and personnel engaged in such operations; and

(b) The security and safety arrangements undertaken extend to all person engaged in the operations;

17. Affirms that the Council will review the measures imposed pursuant to resolutions 841 (1993), 873 (1993) and 917 (1994), with a view to lifting them in their entirety, immediately following the return to Haiti of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide;

18. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3413th meeting,on 31 July 1994.

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