Home » United Nations » United Nations Security Council Resolution 950 – UN Observer Mission in Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 950 – UN Observer Mission in Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 950 – UN Observer Mission in Liberia

Resolution 950 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 788 (1992) of 19 November 1992, 813 (1993) of26 March 1993, 856 (1993) of 10 August 1993, 866 (1993) of 22 September 1993 and911 (1994) of 21 April 1994,

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General dated 18 May 1994(S/1994/588), 24 June 1994 (S/1994/760), 26 August 1994 (S/1994/1006) and14 October 1994 (S/1994/1167) on the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia(UNOMIL),

Commending the positive role of the Economic Community of West AfricanStates (ECOWAS) in its continuing efforts to restore peace, security andstability in Liberia,

Commending also the initiative taken by the President of Ghana, in hiscapacity as current Chairman of ECOWAS, to reactivate the peace process and finda durable solution to the conflict,

Noting the recommendations of the Liberian National Conference and stressing the importance it attaches to strengthening the authority of the Liberian National Transitional Government (LNTG) in administering the country,

Commending those African States that have contributed troops to ECOWAS’sCease-fire Monitoring Group (ECOMOG), and those Member States that have contributed to the Trust Fund or by providing other assistance in support of ECOMOG,

Commending also ECOMOG for its role in quelling an attempted coup d’etatagainst the LNTG in Monrovia,

Deeply concerned at the breakdown in the cease-fire, the severedeterioration in the security situation and the impact this is having on thecivilian population of Liberia, particularly in rural areas, as well as on theability of humanitarian agencies to provide emergency relief,

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Expressing grave concern at the level of factional and ethnic warfare now prevailing in much of Liberia,

Stressing the importance it attaches to the achievement of an effective cease-fire as a necessary pre-condition for progress in the peace process andthe holding of national elections,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General dated 14 October 1994, and his intention to send a high-level mission to consult with ECOWAS member States on how the international community can best continue to assist the peace process in Liberia;

2. Decides to extend the mandate of UNOMIL until 13 January 1995;

3. Recognizes that circumstances on the ground warranted the Secretary-General’s decision to reduce the strength of UNOMIL, and considers that any decision to return it to the authorized level will depend on consideration bythe Security Council of a further report from the Secretary-General reflecting areal improvement in the situation on the ground, in particular the security situation;

4. Calls on all factions in Liberia to cease hostilities immediately and to agree to a timetable for disengagement of forces, disarmament and demobilization;

5. Further calls on the LNTG and all Liberians to seek political accommodation and national reconciliation and to work with the Chairman of ECOWAS and with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to achieve adurable settlement;

6. Calls once again upon all States strictly to abide by and comply with the general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and militaryequipment to Liberia imposed by resolution 788 (1992) under Chapter VII of theUnited Nations Charter;

7. Condemns the widespread killings of civilians and other violations ofinternational humanitarian law by the factions in Liberia, and the detention and maltreatment of UNOMIL observers, ECOMOG soldiers, humanitarian relief workers and other international personnel and demands that all the factions strictly abide by applicable rules of international humanitarian law;

8. Demands that all factions in Liberia strictly respect the status ofECOMOG and UNOMIL personnel, and those of other international organizations and humanitarian relief agencies working in Liberia, refrain from any acts ofviolence, abuse or intimidation against them and return forthwith equipmentseized from them;

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9. Urges Member States to provide support for the peace process in Liberia through the United Nations Trust Fund for Liberia, in order to enable ECOMOG to fulfil its mandate;

10. Commends the efforts of Member States and humanitarian organizationsto provide emergency humanitarian assistance, including to Liberian refugees inneighbouring countries, and calls on all factions in Liberia to cooperate fullyin creating the conditions necessary for the delivery of humanitarian assistanceto all in need in Liberia;

11. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council wellin advance of the end of the current mandate period with recommendations as to the future role of UNOMIL, in the light of developments in the peace process andin the situation on the ground and the recommendations of his high-level mission;

12. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3442nd meeting,on 21 October 1994.

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