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United Nations Security Council Resolution 961 – UN Observer Mission in El Salvador

United Nations Security Council Resolution 961 – UN Observer Mission in El Salvador

Resolution 961 (1994)

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 637 (1989) of 27 July 1989,

Recalling also its resolutions 693 (1991) of 20 May 1991, 714 (1991) of30 September 1991, 729 (1992) of 14 January 1992, 784 (1992) of 30 October 1992,791 (1992) of 30 November 1992, 832 (1993) of 27 May 1993, 888 (1993) of30 November 1993 and 920 (1994) of 26 May 1994, and recalling also the statementof the President of the Council of 16 September 1994 (S/PRST/1994/54),

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 31 October 1994(S/1994/1212),

Having considered also the report of the Joint Group for the Investigation of Politically Motivated Illegal Armed Groups of 28 July 1994, as contained in the letter of the Secretary-General dated 22 October 1994 (S/1994/989),

Noting the request of the Government of El Salvador and the FrenteFarabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) for a further extension ofthe mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL) inthe joint declaration dated 4 October 1994, as contained in the letter of theSecretary-General of 10 October 1994 (S/1994/1144),

Concerned by delays in implementing several important elements of the Peace Accords, particularly those regarding the National Civil Police and the completion of demobilization of the National Police, as well as those related to: the transfer of lands, the implementation of programmes to facilitate there integration into civilian society of ex-combatants and war disabled, the problems of human settlements, the reform of the judicial and electoral systems,and several recommendations of the Commission on the Truth,

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Noting with appreciation the accomplishments of ONUSAL to date and the continuing efforts of the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and ONUSAL to support the full implementation of the agreements signed by the Government of El Salvador and FMLN to maintain and consolidate peace and promote reconciliation in El Salvador,

Welcoming the ongoing efforts of the Secretary-General to contain the costs of ONUSAL,

Welcoming the continuing commitment by all concerned directed towards reconciliation, stability and development in political life in El Salvador, as noted by the Secretary-General in his report of 31 October 1994,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 31 October 1994;

2. Reaffirms the importance of full and timely implementation of all aspects of the Peace Accords, including the recommendations of the Commission on the Truth, and appropriate follow-up to the findings of the Joint Group for Investigation of Politically Motivated Illegal Armed Groups;

3. Expresses concern that important elements of the Peace Accords remain only partially implemented;

4. Calls upon all concerned to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and ONUSAL in their task of verifyingimplementation by the parties of their commitments;

5. Urges the Government of El Salvador and the FMLN to redouble their efforts to comply with the “Agreement on a timetable for the implementation of the most important agreements pending” so as to complete implementation of all aspects of the Peace Accords within the period of the timetable and requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council informed on a regular basis ofthe status of implementation of outstanding commitments and ONUSAL operations;

6. Urges all States and the international institutions engaged in the fields of development and finance to contribute promptly and generously in support of the implementation of all aspects of the Peace Accords, as requested jointly by the Government of El Salvador and FMLN;

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7. Approves the recommendations by the Secretary-General in his report of 31 October 1994 regarding the implementation by ONUSAL of its mandate;

8. Decides to extend the mandate of ONUSAL for one final period until 30 April 1995;

9. Requests also the Secretary-General to report by 31 March 1995 on ONUSAL, including on the fulfilment and completion of its mandate and on modalities for its withdrawal, to be completed by 30 April 1995, in a manner consistent with the effective performance of its duties;

10. Reaffirms the commitment undertaken by the United Nations to verify full implementation of the Peace Accords; welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to consider ways for the United Nations to discharge its remaining verification duties; and invites the Secretary-General, in consultation with competent specialized agencies, regional organizations and Member States, to prepare modalities for further assistance to El Salvador,within the framework of the Peace Accords, for the period after 30 April 1995;

11. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3465th meeting, on 23 November 1994.

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