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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1008 – UN Angola Verification Mission III

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1008 – UN Angola Verification Mission III

Resolution 1008 (1995)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 and all subsequent relevant resolutions,

Reiterating of the Secretary-General dated 17 July 1995(S/1995/588),

Welcoming the briefing by the Secretary-General on 25 July 1995 on hisrecent visit to Angola,

Reaffirming its commitment to preserve the unity and territorial integrityof Angola,

Reiterating the importance it attaches to the full implementation by the Government of Angola and Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola(UNITA) of the “Acordos de Paz” (S/22609, annex), the Lusaka Protocol(S/1994/1441, annex) and relevant Security Council resolutions,

Noting the agreement reached between the Government of Angola and UNITA onthe adjusted and accelerated timetable for the implementation of the LusakaProtocol,

Commending the continued efforts of the Secretary-General, his Special Representative, the three observer states to the Angolan peace process and the personnel of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III) to facilitate the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol and to consolidate thecease-fire and the peace process which has entered a new and promising phase,

Noting also that the situation in most of the country is fairly calm, butconcerned at the number of cease-fire violations,

Welcoming the meeting in Lusaka on 6 May 1995 between the President ofAngola, Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos, and the leader of UNITA, Mr. Jonas Savimbi,which led to the diminishing atmosphere of mistrust and intensification of high-level contacts between the Government of Angola and UNITA,Recognizing that the progressive deployment of United Nations military and Police Observers and troops has significantly contributed to consolidation ofthe cease-fire,

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Welcoming the commitment of the international community to assist andsupport the economic, social and reconstruction efforts of Angola andrecognizing the importance of such assistance in sustaining a secure and stableenvironment,

Understanding of human rights violations and recognizingthe contribution that human rights monitors can make in building confidence inthe peace process,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General dated 17 July 1995;

2. Decides to extend the mandate of UNAVEM III until 8 February 1996;

3. Commends the Government of Angola and UNITA for their commitment to the peace process and notes the progress made thus far in the implementation ofthe Lusaka Protocol;

4. 1995 in the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, in particular troop disengagement, demining and the establishment ofquartering areas and expects the Government of Angola and UNITA, in cooperationwith UNAVEM III, to finalize arrangements for establishment of quartering areas,complete troops disengagement, and to expedite the conduct of demining;

5. Urges the Government of Angola and UNITA to adhere strictly to therevised timetable on the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol and makeconcerted efforts to accelerate that process;

6. Stresses the importance of the completion of the electoral process, as provided for in the Lusaka Protocol;

7. Calls upon the Government of Angola and UNITA to adopt without furtherdelay a comprehensive and workable programme for the formation of the new armedforces, and accelerate the exchange of prisoners and the repatriation ofmercenaries with a view to reinforcing the freedom of movement of peoplethroughout the country;

8. Takes note of the progress noted by the Secretary-General in theestablishment of triangular communications between the Angolan parties andUNAVEM III and requests the Government of Angola and UNITA to assign urgentlyliaison officers to UNAVEM III regional headquarters;

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9. Urges the two parties to put an immediate and definitive end to the renewed laying of mines and to reported unauthorized movement of troops;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to continue the deployment Offensive III infantry units and accelerate it as conditions for sustaining and employing troops improve, with the objective of reaching full strength as soonas possible;

11. Urges the Government of Angola and UNITA to provide UNAVEM III withthe necessary information and ensure the freedom of movement of UNAVEM III,including full unimpeded access to all military facilities, to enable iteffectively to discharge its mandate;

12. Requests that the Secretary-General report on his analysis on the completion of the objectives of the Lusaka Protocol and of the mandate ofUNAVEM III, in light of the alterations in the timetable for deployment ofUNAVEM III;

13. Stresses the need for dissemination of objective information throughradio UNAVEM and for the Government of Angola to provide all facilities for theprompt functioning of the radio;

14. Stresses the importance it attaches to the disarmament of the civilianpopulation, and urges that it begin without further delay;

15. Notes with concern increasing levels of violence perpetrated by unaffiliated groups, and calls on all parties to seek to control and disarm these threats to the peace process;

16. Authorizes the Secretary-General to increase as appropriate thestrength of UNAVEM III’s human rights unit;

17. Commends Member States, United Nations agencies and non-governmentalorganizations for their substantial contributions to meet the humanitarian needsof the Angolan people;

18. Demands that the Government of Angola and UNITA take necessarymeasures to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian supplies throughout thecountry;

19. Requests the Government of Angola to continue providing substantialcontributions to the United Nations peace-keeping operations and call upon UNITA to make every effort to contribute proportionally in order to assist with theUnited Nations peace-keeping operation in Angola;

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20. Endorses the Secretary-General’s appeal and encourages donors to respond with generous and timely financial contributions to the humanitarian effort and provision of mine clearance, bridging and road repair equipment and materials and other supplies necessary for setting up the quartering areas;

21. Endorses also the Secretary-General’s intention to submit a comprehensive report to the Council every two months;

22. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3562nd meeting,on 7 August 1995.

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