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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1048 – Haiti

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1048 – Haiti

Resolution 1048 (1996)

The Security Council,

Recalling the provisions of its resolutions 841 (1993) of 16 June 1993,861 (1993) of 27 August 1993, 862 (1993) of 31 August 1993, 867 (1993) of23 September 1993, 873 (1993) of 13 October 1993, 875 (1993) of 16 October 1993,905 (1994) of 23 March 1994, 917 (1994) of 6 May 1994, 933 (1994) of30 June 1994, 940 (1994) of 31 July 1994, 944 (1994) of 29 September 1994,948 (1994) of 15 October 1994, 975 (1995) of 7 February 1995 and 1007 (1995) of31 July 1995,

Recalling also the resolutions adopted by the United Nations GeneralAssembly on Haiti,

Recalling also the terms of the Governors Island Agreement (S/26063) andthe related Pact of New York (S/26297),

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 14 February 1996(S/1996/112) and noting the recommendations contained therein,

Taking note of the letters of 9 February 1996 from the President of the Republic of Haiti to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (S/1996/99 andA/50/861/Add.1),

Underlining the importance of the peaceful transfer of power to the newdemocratically elected President of Haiti,

Welcoming and supporting the efforts of the Organization of American Statesto promote in cooperation with the United Nations consolidation of peace anddemocracy in Haiti,

Stressing the need to ensure that the Government of Haiti will be able tomaintain the secure and stable environment established by the Multinational Force in Haiti (MNF) and maintained with the assistance of the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), and in this context welcoming progress to establish a fully functioning Haitian National Police and to revitalize Haiti’s system ofjustice,

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Recognizing the link between peace and development and that a sustained commitment by the international community to assist and support the economic,social and institutional development of Haiti is indispensable for long-term peace and stability in the country,

Commending the efforts of the Secretary-General and his Special Representative, the contribution of UNMIH and the International Civilian Mission(MICIVIH) in support of the Haitian people’s quest for stability, national reconciliation, lasting democracy, constitutional order and economic prosperity,

Acknowledging the contribution of the international financial institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank, and the importance of their continued involvement in the development of Haiti,

Recognizing that the people of Haiti bear the ultimate responsibility for national reconciliation, the maintenance of a secure and stable environment and reconstruction of their country,

  1. Welcomes the democratic election of a new President in Haiti and thepeaceful transfer of power from one democratically elected President to anotheron 7 February 1996;

2. Expresses appreciation to all Member States which have contributed toUNMIH;

3. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 14 February 1996 andnotes his recommendations for continued United Nations assistance to thedemocratically elected Government of Haiti;

4. Reaffirms the importance of a professional, self-sustaining, fully functioning national police force of adequate size and structure to the consolidation of peace, stability and democracy and revitalization of Haiti’ssystem of justice;

5. Decides, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary-General’s report of 14 February 1996, that for the purpose of assisting the democratic Government of Haiti in fulfilling its responsibilities to

(a) sustain by UNMIH’s presence the secure and stable environment which has been established, and

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(b) professionalize the Haitian National Police, the mandate of UMMIH is extended for the final period of four months, for the purposes set outin paragraphs 47, 48 and 49 of the report;

6. Decides to decrease the troop level of UNMIH to no more than 1,200;

7. Decides to reduce the current level of civilian police personnel to no more than 300;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to consider and implement, asappropriate, steps for further reduction of the strength of UNMIH consistentwith the implementation of this mandate;

9. Requests further the Secretary-General to initiate planning not laterthan 1 June 1996 for the complete withdrawal of UNMIH;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of thisresolution by 15 June 1996 including information on activities by the UnitedNations system as a whole to promote the development of Haiti;

11. Requests all States to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken by the United Nations and by Member States pursuant to this and other relevant resolutions in order to carry out the provisions of the mandate as setout in paragraph 5 above;

12. Reiterates the commitment of the international community and international financial institutions to assist and support the economic, social and institutional development of Haiti and stresses its importance for sustaining a secure and stable environment in Haiti;

13. Appeals to Member States to make voluntary contributions to the trust fund established in resolution 975 (1995) for the support of the Haitian National Police, to ensure that the police are adequately trained and fully operational, which is essential for the implementation of the mandate;

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14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3638th meeting,on 29 February 1996.

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