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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1080 – The Great Lakes region

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1080 – The Great Lakes region

Resolution 1080 (1996)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 1078 (1996) of 9 November 1996,

Gravely concerned at the continuing deteriorating situation in the GreatLakes region, in particular eastern Zaire,

Taking note of the communiqué issued by the Fourth Extraordinary Session ofthe Central Organ of the Organization of African Unity Mechanism for ConflictPrevention, Management and Resolution held at the level of Ministers in AddisAbaba on 11 November 1996 (S/1996/922) as well as a communication dated13 November 1996 from the Permanent Observer Mission of the Organization ofAfrican Unity (OAU) to the United Nations,

Stressing the need for all States to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States in the region in accordance with theirobligations under the Charter of the United Nations,

Underlining the obligation of all concerned strictly to respect therelevant provisions of international humanitarian law,

Having considered the letter dated 14 November 1996 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council (S/1996/941),

Reiterating its support for the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, andunderlining the need for all Governments in the region and parties concerned tocooperate fully with the mission for the Special Envoy,

Welcoming the efforts of the mediators and representatives of the OAU, the European Union and the States concerned, and encouraging them to coordinate closely their efforts with those of the Special Envoy,

Recognizing that the current situation in eastern Zaire demands an urgentresponse by the international community,

Reiterating the urgent need for an international conference on peace,security and development in the Great Lakes region under the auspices of theUnited Nations and the OAU to address the problems of the region in acomprehensive way,

Determining that the present situation in eastern Zaire constitutes athreat to international peace and security in the region,

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Bearing in mind the humanitarian purposes of the multinational force asspecified below,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Reiterates its condemnation of all acts of violence, and its call foran immediate ceasefire and a complete cessation of all hostilities in the region;

2. Welcomes the letter from the Secretary-General dated 14 November 1996;

3. Welcomes the offers made by Member States, in consultation with theStates concerned in the region, concerning the establishment for humanitarianpurposes of a temporary multinational force to facilitate the immediate returnof humanitarian organizations and the effective delivery by civilian relieforganizations of humanitarian aid to alleviate the immediate suffering ofdisplaced persons, refugees and civilians at risk in eastern Zaire, and tofacilitate the voluntary, orderly repatriation of refugees by the United NationsHigh Commissioner for Refugees as well as the voluntary return of displacedpersons, and invites other interested States to offer to participate in theseefforts;

4. Welcomes further the offer by a Member State (S/1996/941, annex) to take the lead in organizing and commanding this temporary multinational force;

5. Authorizes the Member States cooperating with the Secretary-General to conduct the operation referred to in paragraph 3 above to achieve, by using all necessary means, the humanitarian objectives set out therein;

6. Calls upon all concerned in the region to cooperate fully with themultinational force and humanitarian agencies and to ensure the security andfreedom of movement of their personnel;

7. Calls upon the Member States participating in the multinational forceto cooperate with the Secretary-General and to coordinate closely with theUnited Nations Coordinator for humanitarian assistance for eastern Zaire and therelevant humanitarian relief operations;

8. Decides that the operation shall terminate on 31 March 1997, unlessthe Council, on the basis of a report of the Secretary-General, determines thatthe objectives of the operation have been fulfilled earlier;

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9. Decides that the cost of implementing this temporary operation will beborne by the participating Member States and other voluntary contributions, andwelcomes the establishment by the Secretary-General of a voluntary trust fundwith the purpose of supporting African participation in the multinational force;

10. Encourages Member States to contribute urgently to this fund or otherwise to give support to enable African States to participate in this force,and requests the Secretary-General to report within 21 days of the adoption ofthis resolution to enable the Council to consider the adequacy of thesearrangements;

11. Requests the Member States participating in the multinational force to provide periodic reports at least twice monthly, through the Secretary-General,to the Council, the first such report to be made no later than 21 days after theadoption of this resolution;

12. Expresses its intention to authorize the establishment of a follow-on operation which would succeed the multinational force, and requests The Secretary-general to submit for its consideration a report, no later than1 January 1997, containing his recommendations regarding the possible concept,mandate, structure, size and duration of such an operation, as well as itsestimated costs;

13. Requests the Secretary-General to initiate detailed planning and to determine the willingness of Member States to contribute troops for theanticipated follow-on operation;

14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3713th meeting,on 15 November 1996.

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