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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1083 – Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1083 – Liberia

Resolution 1083 (1996)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions concerning the situation in Liberia, in particular resolution 1071 (1996) of 30 August 1996,

Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General dated 19 November 1996(S/1996/962),

Noting with grave concern the continued violations by the factions of theceasefire as agreed to in the 19 August 1995 Abuja Agreement (S/1995/742) and inthe timetable for implementation established on 17 August 1996 (S/1996/679) whenthe Abuja Agreement was extended, which threaten the prospects for peace inLiberia,

Welcoming the beginning of the disarmament process on 22 November inaccordance with the amended implementation schedule of the Abuja Agreement and urging all factions to participate as they have agreed,

Reiterating that the people of Liberia and their leaders bear the ultimateresponsibility for achieving peace and national reconciliation,

Noting with appreciation the active efforts of the Economic Community ofthe West African States (ECOWAS) to restore peace, security and stability toLiberia and commending the African States which have contributed to the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG),

Expressing its appreciation to those States which have supported the UnitedNations Military Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL) and those which havecontributed to the Trust Fund for Liberia,

Emphasizing that the continued presence of UNOMIL is predicated on thepresence of ECOMOG and its commitment to ensure the safety of UNOMIL

  1. Calls upon the Liberian factions to cease hostilities immediately andto implement the commitments they have entered into, especially the agreement ofECOWAS in Abuja on 17 August 1996, which established a timetable forimplementation of the agreement, adopted a mechanism to verify compliance by thefaction leaders with the agreement, and proposed possible measures against thefactions in the event of non-compliance;
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2. Urges the factions to complete on time the disarmament process, whichis one of the key steps leading up to the forthcoming elections in 1997;

3. Stresses the urgent need for the international community to supportthe work and training projects to help ensure the social and economic rehabilitation of demobilized combatants;

4. Decides to extend the mandate of UNOMIL until 31 March 1997;

5. Decides further to maintain UNOMIL deployments at an appropriate levelas recommended in paragraph 37 of the report of the Secretary-General(S/1996/962), and requests that the Secretary-General, taking into account theneed to ensure the security of UNOMIL personnel, advise the Council of anyplanned further deployments;

6. Condemns in the strongest possible terms the practice of recruiting,training, and deploying children for combat, and demands that the warringparties immediately cease this inhumane and abhorrent activity and release allchild soldiers for demobilization;

7. Condemns all attacks against and intimidation of personnel of ECOMOG,UNOMIL, and the international organizations and agencies delivering humanitarianassistance as well as the looting of their equipment, supplies, and personalp roperty, and calls upon the leaders of the factions to return stolen property;

8. Demands that the factions facilitate the freedom of movement ofUNOMIL, ECOMOG, and international organizations and agencies and the safedelivery of humanitarian assistance and that they strictly abide by theprinciples and rules of international humanitarian law;

9. Stresses the importance of respect for human rights in Liberia, andemphasizes the human rights aspect of UNOMIL’s mandate;

10. Stresses also the obligation of all States to comply strictly with theembargo on the deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Liberia imposedby resolution 788 (1992) of 19 November 1992, to take all actions necessary toensure strict implementation of the embargo, and to bring all instances ofviolations of the embargo before the Committee established pursuant toresolution 985 (1995) of 13 April 1995;

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11. Reiterates strongly its appeal to all States to provide financial,logistical and other assistance in support of ECOMOG to assist it in carryingout its mission and to contribute to the United Nations Trust Fund for Liberiain order to help implement the peace process, including demobilization andreintegration;

12. Stresses the importance of close contacts and enhanced coordination between UNOMIL and ECOMOG at all levels and calls upon ECOMOG, in accordance with the agreement regarding the respective roles and responsibilities of UNOMIL and ECOMOG in the implementation of the Cotonou agreement (S/26272) and with the UNOMIL concept of operations, to provide security for UNOMIL;

13. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council informed of the situation in Liberia, especially on the progress of demobilization and disarmament and to submit by 31 January 1997 a progress report and recommendations on possible United Nations support for the holding of free and fair elections;

14. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3717th meeting,on 27 November 1996.

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