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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1087 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1087 – Angola

Resolution 1087 (1996)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 and all subsequent relevant resolutions,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General dated 2 December 1996(S/1996/1000),

Reaffirming its commitment to preserve the unity and territorial integrityof Angola,

Reiterating the importance it attaches to full implementation by the Government of Angola and the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola(UNITA) of the “Acordos de Paz” (S/22609, annex), the Lusaka Protocol(S/1994/1441, annex) and relevant Security Council resolutions,

Reminding the Government of Angola and UNITA to uphold strictly, withoutdelay, their obligations under the Lusaka Protocol and the commitments they entered into in Libreville and Franceville,

Underlining the need for respect for human rights, and stressing the need for the Angolan parties to give greater attention to preventing incidents of human rights abuse, investigating alleged human rights violations, and punishing those found guilty by due process of law,

Welcoming the efforts of the Secretary-General, his Special Representative and personnel of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III),the three observer States to the Angolan peace process, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the international community as a whole, and encouraging them to continue their efforts to promote peace and security in Angola,

  1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General dated 2 December 1996;

2. Expresses concern at the overall slow pace of the peace process, butnotes some positive steps in its implementation;

3. Decides to extend the mandate of UNAVEM III until 28 February 1997;

4. Approves the Secretary-General’s recommendation to resume withdrawalof UNAVEM III formed military units during February 1997 as set forth inparagraphs 30 through 32 of his report of 2 December 1996, with theunderstanding that the pace of withdrawal will be commensurate with progressachieved in the quartering areas, in demobilization and in the extension ofState administration, and that the first phase of withdrawal will begin onschedule in February 1997;

5. Authorizes the Secretary-General to commence the gradual and progressive withdrawal of UNAVEM III formed military units from individual quartering areas prior to February 1997, and to accelerate the withdrawalschedule subsequently, if former combatants vacate the quartering areas inaccordance with the Lusaka Protocol and other factors are conducive towithdrawal, without putting at risk the successful completion of the peaceprocess;

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6. Stresses that both parties must immediately begin to cooperate onintegrating selected UNITA officers and troops into the FAA and on demobilizingthose remaining in the quartering areas, and underlines the need for theGovernment of Angola to make available all necessary funds it has pledged and tospeed up the processing of demobilization certificates and other administrativematters;

7. Reminds Member States that the need has now become urgent for the financial resources necessary to facilitate the demobilization and social reintegration of ex-combatants through the United Nations consolidated inter-agency appeal for Angola;

8. Calls upon UNITA to cooperate with the Government of Angola in itsimmediate task of creating integrated FAA and police units which would begin, inthe spirit of the Lusaka Protocol and monitored by UNAVEM III, the gradual,orderly and peaceful extension of State administration into areas formerlyoccupied by UNITA;

9. Urges the Government of Angola to avoid offensive military operations which go beyond those strictly necessary for the restoration and maintenance oflaw and order in the areas formerly occupied by UNITA;

10. Recalls the need for the President of Angola and the President ofUNITA to meet inside Angola at the earliest opportunity, and calls on bothparties to move rapidly on the political steps towards national reconciliation,including the assumption by UNITA deputies and officials of their posts, followed by establishment of a Government of National Unity and Reconciliationprior to 31 December 1996;

11. Urges the two parties to reach agreement on the special status of thePresident of UNITA as the President of the largest opposition party before31 December 1996, without linkage of that issue to the formation of a Governmentof National Unity and Reconciliation;

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12. Calls upon the President of UNITA to travel to Luanda for the creation of the Government of National Unity and Reconciliation, and thereafter tomaximize the amount of time spent in Luanda in order to enhance confidence inthe country’s democratic institutions and the irreversibility of the peaceprocess;

13. Welcomes the continuation of the programme for the disarmament of thecivilian population by the Government of Angola, and stresses the need for itsfull and more effective implementation, including disarmament of the CivilianDefence Corps;

14. Reiterates its concern over the acquisition of weapons contrary to paragraph 12 of resolution 976 (1995) of 8 February 1995, while the peaceprocess is under way;

15. Reaffirms the obligation of all States to implement fully the provisions of paragraph 19 of resolution 864 (1993) of 15 September 1993, callsupon all States to take the necessary actions to implement the provisions ofparagraphs 19 to 25 of resolution 864 (1993) vigorously and strictly, andexpresses deep concern that the failure by States, especially those neighbouringAngola, to do so is inconsistent with the peace process and undermines economicrecovery;

16. Demands that all parties and others concerned in Angola take allnecessary measures to ensure the safety of United Nations and otherinternational personnel and premises, including that of non-governmentalorganizations, and to guarantee the safety and freedom of movement ofhumanitarian supplies throughout the country;

17. Calls upon both parties to intensify their demining efforts, andreiterates the need for continued commitment to peace by destruction ofstockpiles of landmines monitored and verified by UNAVEM III, and expressessupport for various United Nations demining activities in Angola, includingplans aimed at enhancing national demining capacity;

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18. Urges the Government of Angola and UNITA to remove all illegal checkpoints that constitute obstacles to the free circulation of people and goods throughout the country;

19. Urges the international community to fulfil expeditiously its pledgesto provide assistance to facilitate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of theAngolan national economy and the resettlement of displaced persons, and stressesthe importance of such assistance at this time in order to consolidate the gainsin the peace process;

20. Requests the Secretary-General to continue planning for a follow-on United Nations presence along the lines described in paragraph 33 of his reportof 2 December 1996 which would include military observers, police observers, apolitical component, human rights monitors and a Special Representative, withthe aim of maintaining a limited United Nations presence in Angola, and toreport thereon no later than 10 February 1997;

21. Expresses its readiness to consider, in that context, the possibility of sending a Security Council mission to Angola before the expiry of the mandate of UNAVEM


22. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3722nd meeting,on 11 December 1996.

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