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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1346 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1346 – Sierra Leone

Resolution 1346 (2001)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President Concerning the situation in Sierra Leone,

Affirming the commitment of all States to respect the sovereignty, politicalindependence and territorial integrity of Sierra Leone,

Expressing its continued concern at the fragile security situation in SierraLeone and neighbouring countries, and in particular at the continued fighting on the border regions of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia and at the grave humanitarian consequences for the civilian, refugee and internally displaced populations in those areas,

Recognizing the importance of the progressive extension of State authoritythroughout the entire country, political dialogue and national reconciliation, the fullimplementation of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme, thelegitimate exploitation of the natural resources of Sierra Leone for the benefit of itspeople, full respect for the human rights of all and the rule of law, effective actionon the issues of impunity and accountability, the voluntary and unhindered return of refugees and internally displaced persons, the holding by the Government of Sierra Leone of free, fair and transparent elections, and the formulation of a long-term planfor the peace process in order to achieve sustainable peace and security in SierraLeone, and stressing that the United Nations should continue to support the fulfilment of these objectives,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 14 March 2001(S/2001/228),

  1. Decides that the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone(UNAMSIL), established in its resolutions 1270 (1999) of 22 October 1999 and1289 (2000) of 7 February 2000, shall be extended for a period of six months fromthe date of the adoption of this resolution;

2. Further decides to increase the military component of UNAMSIL to astrength of 17,500, including the 260 military observers already deployed, asrecommended by the Secretary-General in paragraphs 99 and 100 of his report;

3. Welcomes the revised concept of operations for UNAMSIL as set out inparagraphs 57 to 67 of the report of the Secretary-General and the progress alreadymade towards its implementation, and encourages the Secretary-General to proceedto its completion;

4. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States providing additionaltroops and support elements to UNAMSIL and those who have made commitmentsto do so, encourages the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to seek, ifnecessary, further properly trained and equipped forces to strengthen the militarycomponents of UNAMSIL in order to enable the mission to implement fully itsrevised concept of operations, and requests the Secretary-General to inform theCouncil upon receipt of firm commitments to that end;

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5. Requests the Secretary-General to inform the Council at regular intervalson progress made by UNAMSIL in the implementation of key aspects of its conceptof operations, and further requests him to provide an assessment in his next reporton steps taken to improve the effectiveness of UNAMSIL;

6. Expresses its deep concern at the reports of human rights abusescommitted by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and others, including othermilitary groups, against the civilian population, in particular the harassment andforced recruitment of adults and children for fighting and forced labour, demands that these acts cease immediately, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure allhuman rights monitoring positions within UNAMSIL are filled in order to addressthe concerns raised in paragraphs 44 to 51 of the report of the Secretary-General;

7. Expresses also its deep concern that the Ceasefire Agreement signed inAbuja on 10 November 2000 (S/2000/1091) between the Government of SierraLeone and the RUF has not been fully implemented, and demands that the RUF takeimmediate steps to fulfil its commitments under that Agreement to ensure fullliberty for the United Nations to deploy its troops throughout the country, the freemovement of persons and goods, unimpeded movement of humanitarian agencies,refugees and displaced persons and the immediate return of all seized weapons,ammunition and other equipment, and to recommence active participation in thedisarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme;

8. Requests, in this respect, UNAMSIL to maintain its support, within its capabilities and areas of deployment, for returning refugees and displaced persons and to encourage the RUF to cooperate to this end in fulfilment of its commitments under the Abuja Ceasefire Agreement;

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9. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Council his views on how to take forward the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons, including their return;

10. Calls upon all the parties to the Sierra Leone conflict to intensify theirefforts towards the full and peaceful implementation of the Abuja Ceasefire Agreement and the resumption of the peace process, taking into account the basis ofthe Abuja Ceasefire Agreement and relevant Security Council resolutions, and urges Governments and regional leaders concerned to continue their full cooperation with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United Nations to promote these efforts, and, in particular, to use their influence with the leaders of the RUF to obtain their cooperation towards achievement of the above-mentioned goals;

11. Encourages the efforts of ECOWAS towards a lasting and finalsettlement of the crisis in the Mano River Union region caused by the continuedfighting in the border areas of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, and underlines theimportance of the political support that the United Nations can provide to theseefforts in order to stabilize the region;

12. Takes note of the responsibilities to be undertaken by UNAMSIL in support of the Government of Sierra Leone’s disarmament, demobilization andreintegration programme, notably the decision to provide an enhanced managementrole as referred to in paragraphs 76 to 79 of the report of the Secretary-General,commends the Government of Sierra Leone for the improvements it has alreadybrought about in the programme, encourages it to take the necessary urgentdecisions to allow finalization of the programme and dissemination of informationon its benefits and conditions to proceed expeditiously, and also encouragesinternational organizations and donor countries to support generously the efforts ofthe Government of Sierra Leone in this regard;

13. Emphasizes that the development and extension of the administrativecapacities of Sierra Leone are also essential to sustainable peace and development inthe country, and therefore urges the Government of Sierra Leone to take thenecessary practical steps to prepare for and bring about the restoration of civilauthority and basic public services throughout its territory, including in the locationswhere UNAMSIL is expected to deploy in accordance with its concept ofoperations, and encourages States, other international organizations and non-governmental organizations to provide appropriate assistance in this regard;

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14. Encourages the Government of Sierra Leone, together with the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights andother relevant international actors, to expedite the establishment of the Truth andReconciliation Commission and the Special Court envisaged by resolution 1315(2000) of 14 August 2000, bearing in mind in particular the need to ensure theappropriate protection of children;

15. Welcomes the Secretary-General’s intention to keep the security, political,humanitarian and human rights situation in Sierra Leone under close review and toreport to the Council, after due consultations with troop-contributing countries, withany additional recommendations, including, if necessary, for a further strengtheningof the military component of UNAMSIL for the completion of the planned conceptof operations to fulfil the overall objective of assisting the Government of SierraLeone to re-establish its authority throughout the country, including the diamond-producing areas, and to create the necessary conditions for the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections in due course under the authority of the Government ofSierra Leone;

16. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4306th meeting, on 30 March 2001.

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