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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353 – Strengthening co-operation with troop-contributing countries

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353 – Strengthening co-operation with troop-contributing countries

Resolution 1353 (2001)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 1318 (2000) of 7 September 2000 and 1327 (2000)of 13 November 2000 and the statements by its President of 3 May 1994(S/PRST/1994/22) and 28 March 1996 (S/PRST/1996/13), and all other relevant statements by its President,

Recalling also the statement of its President of 31 January 2001(S/PRST/2001/3),

Taking into consideration the views expressed at its debate on the subject“Strengthening cooperation with troop-contributing countries” at its 4257th meeting on 16 January 2001,

Reaffirming its commitment to the Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations as set out in Article 1, paragraphs 1 to 4, of the Charter, and to thePrinciples of the Charter as set out in Article 2, paragraphs 1 to 7, of the Charter,including its commitment to the principles of the political independence, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States, and to respect for the sovereignty of All States,

Reaffirming its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations For the maintenance of international peace and security, reiterating its commitment to enhance the capacity of the United Nations in this area, and emphasizing its willingness to take all necessary steps within its competence to that end,

Recalling the relevant recommendations in the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (S/2000/809), and reaffirming its support for all efforts to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations,

Stressing the need to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers and other United Nations and associated personnel, including humanitarian personnel,

Stressing the need to improve the relationship between the Security Council,the troop-contributing countries and the Secretariat to foster a spirit of partnership,cooperation, confidence and mutual trust,

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Recognizing the need to strengthen cooperation with troop-contributing countries, as part of a series of measures to ensure more coherent and integrated concepts of operations and to enhance managerial efficiency and operational effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations,

Noting that relevant provisions contained in the annexes to the present resolution pertain also to strengthening cooperation with countries contributing civilian police and other personnel,

  1. Agrees to adopt the decisions and recommendations contained in the annexes to the present resolution;

2. Requests its Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations to continue itswork on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to establish and supportefficient and effective peacekeeping operations;

3. Undertakes to follow closely the implementation of the agreed measures for cooperation with troop-contributing countries, and requests its Working Groupfor Peacekeeping Operations to assess within six months of the adoption of this resolution the efficiency and effectiveness of the agreed measures, consider their further improvement taking into account the proposals of the troop-contributing countries and to report to the Council on these matters;

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4326th meeting, on 13 June 2001.

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