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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1518 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1518 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

Resolution 1518 (2003)

The Security Council,

Recalling all of its previous relevant resolutions,

Recalling further its earlier decision in resolution 1483 (2003) of 22 May 2003 to terminate the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 661(1990),

Stressing the importance of all Member States fulfilling their obligations underparagraph 10 of resolution 1483 (2003),

Determining that the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Decides to establish, with immediate effect, in accordance with rule 28 ofits provisional rules of procedure, a Committee of the Security Council, consisting of all the members of the Council, to continue to identify pursuant to paragraph 19of resolution 1483 (2003) individuals and entities referred to in paragraph 19 of thatresolution, including by updating the list of individuals and entities that havealready been identified by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 ofresolution 661 (1990), and to report on its work to the Council;

2. Decides to adopt the guidelines (reference SC/7791 IK/365 of 12 June2003) and definitions (reference SC/7831 IK/372 of 29 July 2003) previously agreedby the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 661 (1990), to implement the provisions of paragraphs 19 and 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), and further decides that the guidelines and definitions can be amended by the Committee in light of further considerations;

3. Decides that the mandate of the Committee referred to in paragraph 1above will be kept under review and to consider the possible authorization of the additional task of observing Member States’ fulfilment of their obligations under paragraph 10 of resolution 1483 (2003);

4. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 947 – Croatia

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4872nd meeting, on 24 November 2003.

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