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Section 11 Public Order Act LFN

Section 11 Public Order Act

Section 11 of the Public Order Act of Nigeria is about Power to make regulations and issue guidelines. The Public order Act is an Act to repeal all public order laws in the States of the Federation and to replace them with a Federal Act for the purpose of maintaining public order and to prohibit the formation of quasi-military organisations, regulate the use of uniforms and other matters ancillary thereto.

Power to make regulations and issue guidelines

(1) The National Council of States may make regulations generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects of this Act.

(2) Subject to subsection (1) of this section, the National Council of States may from time to time issue to the Nigeria Police Force such general or special guidelines as it considers expedient for the better and uniform administration throughout Nigeria of the provisions of this Act.

See also: Section 10 Public Order Act

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