Home » Nigeria » Section 81 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 81 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 81 Copyright Act

Section 81 Copyright Act 2022 is about Cessation of membership. It is under Part X (Establishment of Nigerian Copyright Commission and Copyright Administration) of the Act.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 79 of this Act, a member of the Board shall cease to hold office as a member, where —
(a) he resigns his appointment as a member of the Board by notice under his hand addressed to the President ;
(b) he becomes of unsound mind ;

(c) he becomes bankrupt ;
(d) he is convicted of a felony or any other offence involving dishonesty or corruption ;
(e) he becomes incapable of carrying on the functions of his office either arising from an infirmity of mind or body ;
(f) the President is satisfied that it is not in the interest of the Commission or in the interest of the public for the person to continue in office ;

(g) he has been found guilty under the Code of Conduct or serious misconduct in relation to his duties ; or
(h) in the case of a person who becomes a member by virtue of the office he occupies, cease to hold such office.

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