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Section 30 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 30 Child’s Right Act

Section 30 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Prohibition of buying, selling, hiring or otherwise dealing in children for the purpose of hawking or begging for alms or prostitution, etc. It is under Part III (Buying, Selling, etc., for the Purpose of Begging and Prostitution, etc.) of the Act.

(1) No person shall buy, sell, hire, let on hire, dispose of or obtain possession of or otherwise deal in a child.

(2) A child shall not be used‐
(a) for the purpose of begging for alms, guiding beggars, prostitution, domestic or sexual labour or for any unlawful or immoral purpose ; or
(b) as a slave or for practices similar to slavery such as sale or trafficking of the child, debt bondage or serfdom and forced or compulsory labour; .

(c) for hawking of goods or services on main city streets, brothels or highways;
(d) for any purpose that deprives the child of the opportunity to attend and remain in school as provided for under the Compulsory, Free Universal Basic Education Act ;
(e) procured or offered for prostitution or for the production of pornography or for any pornographic performance; and

(f) procured or offered for any activity in the production or trafficking of illegal drugs and any other activity relating to illicit drugs as specified in the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act.

(3) A person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of ten years.

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