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Section 166 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 166 Child’s Right Act

Section 166 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Cancellation of registration of a child minder. It is under Part XIV (Child Minding and Day Care of Young Children) of the Act.

(1) The State Government may at any time cancel the registration of a child minder if‐
(a) it appears to the State Government that the circumstances of the case are such that the State Government would be justified in refusing to register that person as a child minder; or

(b) the care provided by that person when looking after any child as a child minder is in the opinion of the State Government seriously inadequate having regard to the needs of that child; or
(c) the child minder has‐
(i) contravened or failed to comply with any requirement of or conditions imposed on him under section 165 of this Act;
(ii) failed to pay any annual tee under paragraph 7 of the Sixth Schedule to this Act within the prescribed time.

[Sixth Schedule]
(2) The State Government may at any time cancel the registration of person providing day care for children with respect to particular premises if‐
(a) it appears to the State Government that the circumstances of the case are such that it would be justified in refusing to register that person as a person providing day care;
(b) the care provided by that person when on the premises is, in the opinion of the State Government seriously inadequate having regard to the needs of the children concerned;

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(c) that person has‐
(i) contravened or failed to comply with any requirement of or condition imposed on him under section 165 of this Act; or
(ii) failed to pay any annual fee under paragraph 7 of Schedule 6 to this Act within the prescribed time.

(3) The State Government may at any time cancel the registration of person providing day care for children if it appears to it that the circumstances of the case are such that It would be justified in refusing to register that person with respect to any premises.

(4) Where a condition to carry out repairs or make alterations or additions has been imposed on a registered person under section 164 or 165 of this Act, his registration shall not be canceled on the ground that the premises are not fit to be used for looking after children if‐
(a) the time set for complying with the condition has not expired; and
(b) it is shown that the condition of the premises is due to the repairs not having been carried out or the alteration or additions not having been made.

(5) A cancellation under this section shall be in writing.

(6) In considering the needs of a child for the purposes of subsection (1) (b) or (2) (b) of this section, a State Government shall in particular have regard to the religious persuasion and cultural and linguistic background of the child.

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