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Section 34 Nigerian National Health Act 2014

Section 34 National Health Act

Section 34 National Health Act 2014 is about Establishment and function of Health Research Ethics Committee. It is under Part IV (Artional Health Research and Information System) of the Act.

(1) Every institution, health agency and health establishment at which health research is conducted, shall establish or have access to a health research ethics committee, which is registered with the Ethics Committee.

(2) A health research ethics committee shall—
(a) review research proposals and protocols in order to ensure that research conducted by the relevant institution, agency or establishment will promote health, contribute to the prevention of communicable or noncommunicable diseases or disability or result in cures for communicable or non-communicable diseases ;
(b) grant approval for research by the relevant institution, agency or establishment in instances where research proposals and protocol meet the ethical standards of that health research ethics committee ; and

(c) perform other functions that may be referred to it by the Minister.

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