Rule 3010 Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
Rule 3010 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure is about Chapter 7, Subchapter V of Chapter 11, Chapter 12, and Chapter 13—Limits on Small Dividends and Payments. It is under Part III (Claims and Distribution to Creditors and Equity Interest Holders; Plans) of the Rules.
(a) Chapter 7. In a Chapter 7 case, the trustee must not distribute to a creditor any dividend less than $5 unless authorized to do so by local rule or court order. A dividend not distributed must be treated in the same manner as unclaimed funds under
§ 347.
(b) Subchapter V of Chapter 11, Chapter 12, and Chapter 13. In a case under Subchapter V of Chapter 11, or under Chapter 12 or 13, the trustee must not distribute to a creditor any payment less than $15 unless authorized to do so by local rule or court order. Distribution must be made when accumulated funds total $15 or more. Any remaining funds must be distributed with the final payment.