Section 65 Electricity Act 2023
Section 65 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Generation licenses. It is under Part VI (Licensing) of the Act.
(1) Subject to such terms end conditions as the Commission may specify in the license, a generation license shall, as the circumstances may require having regard to the grid network capacity, authorise the licensee to construct, own, operate and maintain a generation station for purposes of generation and supply of electricity in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the holder of a generation licensee may sell electricity or ancillary services to any of the classes of persons specified in the license and under this Act.
(3) Without prejudice to the rights and obligations of successor generation companies which are deemed to be generation licensees under this Act, the Commission shall, for the purpose of subsection (1) have the power to grant multiple generation licenses to independent power producers for generation of electricity from renewable and non-renewable sources subject to such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the Commission under such licenses.