Section 59 Civil Aviation Act 2022
Section 59 of the Civil Aviation Act 2022 is about Aircraft registration. It is under Part IX (Nationality and Registration of Aircraft) of the Act.
(1) The Authority shall have power to regulate and by regulations make provisions for the registration of civil aircraft or any interest therein in Nigeria.
(2) The Authority shall establish a national registry and maintain a national register of civil aircraft in Nigeria.
(3) It shall be unlawful to operate a civil aircraft in Nigeria unless it is registered in Nigeria or under the laws of a foreign country.
(4) An aircraft shall be eligible for registration only if it is not registered in a foreign country and, unless otherwise permitted by the Authority by regulation or it is owned by—
(a) a citizen of Nigeria ;
(b) a citizen of another State who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence in Nigeria ;
(c) a company lawfully registered and doing business under the laws of Nigeria and the aircraft is based and primarily used in Nigeria ;
(d) the Government of Nigeria or a political sub-division of it ; or
(e) a foreign person who has leased the aircraft to one of those described in paragraphs (a), (c) and (d).
(5) Upon request of the owner or lessee of any aircraft eligible for registration, such aircraft shall be registered by the Authority and the DirectorGeneral shall issue to the owner a certificate of registration.
(6) Applications for such certificates shall be in such form and shall contain such information as the Authority may prescribe.
(7) Any certificate issued by the Director-General may be suspended or revoked for any cause if the Director-General finds such suspension or revocation to be in the public interest.
(8) An aircraft shall acquire Nigerian nationality when registered under this Act.
(9) A certificate of registration issued under this section shall not be conclusive evidence as to ownership in any proceeding under the laws of Nigeria in which ownership of the aircraft by a particular person is or may be
in issue.