1 Texas Administrative Code § 3.75 – Personnel
(a) PSO shall determine the reasonableness of requested salaries and reserves the right to limit the OOG-financed portion of any salary.
(b) The OOG shall not pay any portion of the salary of, or any other compensation for, an elected or appointed government official.
(c) Compensation for grant-funded employees must be comparable to that of non-grant-funded employees performing similar work duties.
(d) Grantees may use grant funds to compensate staff members leaving employment for accrued leave (which includes, but is not limited to, annual leave, compensatory time, and sick leave) in accordance with the grantee’s policy. These payments may only fund leave earned during the current grant period. The proportion of grant funds used to pay for leave cannot exceed the proportion of grant funds used to pay the staff member’s salary.